[Rom Release] CushZeroRC1 cm sourced


Premium Member
Premium Member
Jul 21, 2010
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
well folks this has been months in the making and it is finally here
CushZero for the OG D1

I have a fix for superuser and still hashing out the wifi problems

Will also start doing a weekly build for everybody to test out to be released every wednesday

All fixes are in the weekly build

first off i would like to thank and credit​
you sir have been a saint answering all my overly dumb questions all 212,000 of them and without your kickstart you give me i would still be stuck in park so thank you liquid you the man

with all the knowledge you openly share bro and your willingness to help is outstanding you always are willing to answer questions about what ever i stupidly ask thank you chevy

Eagle and gflam
the help you gave me with understanding animations and the willingness to share thanks guys

for making your source open i spend a lot of time looking at your github figuring out edits thank you

to my testers RoyalPunk Yankindasouth CJM Vaurnet DJ Carpenter
all of the feedback and bugs you guys found has helped out so much without you my rom would be a broken mess thank you

Known Issues
Wifi may or may not work for your phone gingerbread is rom intenstive and all the modules may not load for wifi to work i am working on that so if you do not mind wifi try her out

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Cush! Excellent! Had no idea you were working on this...your themes are one thing but this is another...(just call me captain obvious lol) congrats!

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
Cush! Excellent! Had no idea you were working on this...your themes are one thing but this is another...(just call me captain obvious lol) congrats!

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thanks bro put a lot into this hopefully it will turn a few heads
Can't wait to try it out. Downloading now & I'll flash in the morning.
Very new to the droid. My friend helped me root. Is this rom suitable for the X?

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Very new to the droid. My friend helped me root. Is this rom suitable for the X?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
It's for the OG Droid. Check out the Droid X section for appropriate ROMs.
Guys, the ROM is blazingly fast to anyone asking. However, one bummer right now is that wifi doesn't work, it gets stuck on "obtaining ip address" when it tries to connect.

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Whattup cush! Tested the heck out of this... sorry if I gave you more than you were looking for ;)

This is a darn solid build -- I looove the animations. Such a nice touch :)

Once the wifi gets fixed... can we say "daily driver"??? :D

Well done bro!!

if ($nightly="yes") echo "w00t!";
Whattup cush! Tested the heck out of this... sorry if I gave you more than you were looking for ;)

This is a darn solid build -- I looove the animations. Such a nice touch :)

Once the wifi gets fixed... can we say "daily driver"??? :D

Well done bro!!

if ($nightly="yes") echo "w00t!";

man you are a tester you hit me with everything i needed to know thanks im gonna send rc2 your way as soon as i get the problems fixed lol
Gonna give this a look. Can't test wifi for a few more hours because I'm at work and have none but I'll post back when I get home.