rooting questions


Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Good ol alabama
i just went throught the rooting process and it did all the stuff but i did not get the superuser permissions app in my app drawer what do i do now am i rooted? if not how do i go about redoing it?
What is your hboot number?
Don't take my word for it because I don't know much about Eris rooting, but that file that you used ( format?) if it did upgrade your hboot to 1.49, people have been saying that is unrootable.
i used a file called PB00IMG. before i did that my HBOOT was 1.46 would it be safe to run the rooting process agien would it hurt my phone?
Hm before you do anything I think you should wait for a Droid Eris owner to respond. If your hboot is 1.49 you shouldn't do anything, until someone familiar with the file you used and process you used posts here. You should post a link to the site/thread
lol im kinda mad cause i had a HBOOT of 1.46 now it says 1.49... why would the rooting process make it to were i could not root... is there any way of testing it to see if im rooted?
lol im kinda mad cause i had a HBOOT of 1.46 now it says 1.49... why would the rooting process make it to were i could not root... is there any way of testing it to see if im rooted?

The superuser app isn't included in all ROMs. I am on Evil Eris v3.0 and it is included. One way you can tell if you are rooted is to download 'Android Terminal Emulator' from the market and type 'su' in the command prompt. If you are not rooted it will give you an error message. You may have to download an app called 'Full Keyboard' since the Eris doesn't have the physical keyboard.

Hope this helps.
i downloaded the emulater and i types just regular su in the command prompt and it did not give me a error code it just jumped down to the next line. so does that mean i am rooted? and i was trying to get adb working but SDK could not find my drivers.
i got it working im a dang fool i flashed evil eris 3.0 just now. im just wondering now what a safe over clocking speed for the eris?
i downloaded the emulater and i types just regular su in the command prompt and it did not give me a error code it just jumped down to the next line. so does that mean i am rooted? and i was trying to get adb working but SDK could not find my drivers.

Jumping down to the next line means you have SuperUser Permissions... which means you are rooted!!! :)
yea i was freaking out cause i thought i messed my phone up and reset it to facetory for no reason lol but then when i started digging i found out that i was rooted. now there is no turning back!dancedroid
i got it working im a dang fool i flashed evil eris 3.0 just now. im just wondering now what a safe over clocking speed for the eris?

It all depends on your phone. Best bet is to make sure setcpu is set to not launch on boot and slowly move your cpu speed higher to find the point where it locks your phone (here is where its important that you dont have setcpu set to launch on boot) My eris runs stable at 768 I have not tried over 787. Hope this helps you, there is also a setcpu thread but it drones on and on with all the little details and way more than I cared to read about hertz and the like.
Yea I did alittle bit of tinkrring at work today and my phone is running great at 768Mhz too now I can actually us live wallpapers with out lag! What is this 5Mflops I have been hearing about