RSD Lite


Jan 5, 2010
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Hello all. Need help with RSD Lite.

I am running windows 7 x64

I cannot flash my phone because as soon as press start when I have the sbf loaded and the phone detected, it fails.

I have the sbf on my C:\ root just like instructed.

Any help with this? I haven't found one stitch of useful information on this problem. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and I know the sbf file is good because other people in the same thread used the same file with positive results.
Last time I checked, RSD and Win7 were mildly friendly at best.... You may have to come up with a workaround (Linux Live) for awhile.

I dont have Win7, I'm just repeating what I've read over the last few months.
Yeah I tried uninstalling my x64 old drivers for the ones you linked me to, but still no dice. Fails as soon as I click start. Tried a different sbf too.
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You cannot have the sbf file anywhere on your desktop, it has to be in a folder somewhere else, such as in your programs folder. If you leave it on your desktop it will fail.
make sure you're running it as administrator (shift+right click)

I have Win7 32 bit and have flashed probably 100+ times with no problems... It does say "fail" sometimes after it's gone through its stuff, but that's evidently pretty common problem, and as long as the phone reboots at that point (sometimes have to hit "show device") you're good to go
Yeah driven, tried all that to no avail unfortunately.

To the others:

1.- File is saved on the root drive (c:\) as stated in the OP
2.- Yes I have configured the .exe to run as administrator and have also tried running it in compatibility mode (not like that ever works.. thanks microsoft)
drivin's thread is probably more helpful to your specific situation, and you sound smart enough about all of this stuff already that you might not need this, but i'm a visual person and walking through it like on this video/tutorial helped me a lot b/c i could see what i was supposed to see
Nope, tried that and it failed as well. That solution was more for RSD opening the sbf file anyway. Everything works fine as far as detection, the stupid program just won't flash the phone.

On a sidenote: Driven thanks for your willingness to help me out with this, I really appreciate it.
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do the messages all look normal on the bootloader when you first Dpad/power on? and, as silly as this might seem, are you using the usb cable that came with the droid?
Yeah, I had suspected that it might be the bootloader but thats all normal. The only thing is that the text is "squashed" if you will, to the left side of the screen. I'm assuming it is supposed to be like that though. Everything else checks out. Cable is the one from the box.

If it makes any difference the phone is a "like new" replacement phone.