RSD Lite

Nope, tried that and it failed as well. That solution was more for RSD opening the sbf file anyway. Everything works fine as far as detection, the stupid program just won't flash the phone.

On a sidenote: Driven thanks for your willingness to help me out with this, I really appreciate it.

no prob, when i started ppl helped me out so im passing it on.......
what exactly does it say when you gold down the up on the d pad? yes it would be on hte left side of the screen...... damn wish i was near more ppl to help them out physically. instead of typing
Well it says everything that it should. I can't remember the exact phrasing offhand but when I compare it to what is displayed on all the tutorials its all the same.

In the error logs I am getting two different errors:

ERROR: The superfile specified does not exist
File: X:\test_dev_usb\flash\code\flashdll\FlashHdlr.cpp
Device ID: 0


ERROR: \\?\c:\sprecovery_ese81.sbfu]p—ôþÿÿÿ‚q™uñr™u@þï was not found.
File: X:\test_dev_usb\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashFileIO.cpp

Maybe that helps?

It says the file was not found in the second error message but it is clearly sitting in the root of my C:\ drive.
I am using the ESE81.sbf and I'll try putting it in program files and see what that does.
is there any way to flash my phone without using RSD Lite as this program is most obviously crap?