Rubix and gingerbread

Gotta follow the instructions to upgrade to gingerbread. Or you will brick.

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Yes of course alot of users are already on gingerbread

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Where is the best place o find a download? Blackhats was moved or something, but I dont care for team blackhat much anyways

Droid X
Well Team Black Hat is the one who brought us gingerbread. Unless you wait for the official release from Verizon that's the way you get on gingerbread is from their leak. Or through liberty's nightly build but has to be the rom that takes you from froyo to gingerbread. Any of the ginger roms that are out the only way to get them running is you have to already be on gingerbread. My Droid World has what you need but its still TBH. They do great work in bringing us the latest updates:)

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Yea, I do give them credit for good work, but ive seen the type of people they are and the how high on the horse they are.... Yes, there work is good... I freely admit that.... Ive.just avoided them as much as possible, how is rubix 2.0.1 on the new gingerbread?

Droid X
There is no rubix for gingerbread. He isn't going to support it anymore. He is on the Thunderbolt. Only developers left are kejar for gummy that's working on a new rom, bigxie for apex, jrummy for liberty, P3 for tranquility and jboxen for zombie stomped. And o believe BBCrackman is going to do one for darkslide.

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Basically imo development for roms on the droid x are coming to a slow halt. With all the new phones coming out we like to move on to new things.

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Try Zombiestomped 1.65 for the DX. Awesome stable and fast GB rom. Basically a tweaked. 591 leak. I've had zero issues with it and it's fast. I came from Rubix Focused 2.0.1 before that and I love it.

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I'll check it out.... I dont plan on staying on x past x2, but I do like rummy's work.... I was on his b4 rubix 1.9.5, then been rubix since..... I understand people going to Tbolt, but to me, its a downgrade from X....Ok 4G....nice.... But ive learned never go first gen anything.... Thats y I went from omnia2 to DX..... And I just dislike HTC and Samsung products.... Had my share of problems.... Especially with samsung!!!!

Droid X
rubix 2.0.1 to GB 595

I too am on Rubix 2.0.1 and loved it the whole time, but itchin for Gingerbread. I thought the OTA would be here already.

I know I am going to get flamed, but what is the most direct route to GB 595 from Rubix Focused 2.0.1 I have searched and am a little confused about all the different GB releases.

Thanks for the help.
I too am on Rubix 2.0.1 and loved it the whole time, but itchin for Gingerbread. I thought the OTA would be here already.

I know I am going to get flamed, but what is the most direct route to GB 595 from Rubix Focused 2.0.1 I have searched and am a little confused about all the different GB releases.

Thanks for the help.

Wow! I'm not alone... I too still on Rubix 2.0.1 and loving it as well. Kinda stuck here for a moment. Really like the TB but! Think I will wait for just a tad longer to see what the Bionic has to offer. As for as GB ..I don't know, however its sad that Drod2169 decided no longer to work with the DX.... my DX is flawless with his Rubix2.0.1, What can one say, life must go on....

Just a thought