Rubix Blurry 2.0

yes - what's going on with this - I'd like to try it and I can't find a live link anywhere. not for 1.8 either...
Both Blurry and Focused 2.0.1 links are down...looks like the dev who made them let them die. He's moved on to other phones unfortunately. Focused has always been one of my favs.
ScottAtlanta82, thank you but the rom you linked is Rubix FOCUSED 2.0. Does anybody have the Rubix BLURRY 2.0 Rom? Thanks in advance!!
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I am waiting to recieve the 2.0 blury rom from a fellow droid forum member. Once he sends it I will post on here.
I have also tried all the download links and I have been waiting a long time to get this rom

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