[Rumor] Wireless Tether Working on CM7 Mod for the DroidX


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

A couple of days ago, we shared a story with you about the newest CM7 mod for the Droid X. Apparently, there have been some folks that have had success getting wireless tethering working with this mod on the Droid X. If it turns out to be true, then we have some serious reasons to rejoice as this would mean we don't need to worry about complicated workarounds. Here's a new download link below if you want to try it out, and a link to our original story so you can reread the instructions if you need to. All you guys that try this out, please let us know in the forums if this works!

CM7 DroidX Mod Download Link
Original CM7 Droid X story on DroidForums.net

Source: Droid-Life
It works. I've been using to tether my xoom since the day beta was released. It actually works better than it has in the past. The connection seems more stable and my phone doesn't loose data after I disconnect.

I am also confirming that overclocking with interactive governor through the droid overclock app works.

which one?

have you only tried this with the wireless tether app on this post?
do you know if barnacle works? or pdanet?
i don't care so much about having wireless tether, but i could really use some kind of tethering
have you only tried this with the wireless tether app on this post?
do you know if barnacle works? or pdanet?
i don't care so much about having wireless tether, but i could really use some kind of tethering

There should be no reason why the USB tethered apps wouldn't work
As to my knowledge they work on other CM7 builds for other phones

let me rephrase that. do they (wireless or usb) work without having to use verizons tethering service? last time i used the wireless tether on GB is just brought me to the VZW landing page trying to sell me tether.
let me rephrase that. do they (wireless or usb) work without having to use verizons tethering service? last time i used the wireless tether on GB is just brought me to the VZW landing page trying to sell me tether.

This isn't verizon/moto's gingerbread.. its CM7 we are talking about. minus the kernel there is no verizon/ moto software on this ROM, so no you will not get the landing page and the verizons tethering service will not start up
Why did it take so long for CM7 to come out for the X? I'm not trying to sound obnoxious, really, I'm curious about the timing. The reason I ask is because I was led to believe that the reason why there weren't many ROMs (including CM7) and community support for the DX is because of the locked bootloader. What's changed recently that led to the release of the beta for CM? Or has it taken this long to basically build the OS from the ground up to work around the locked bootloader?
Why did it take so long for CM7 to come out for the X? I'm not trying to sound obnoxious, really, I'm curious about the timing. The reason I ask is because I was led to believe that the reason why there weren't many ROMs (including CM7) and community support for the DX is because of the locked bootloader. What's changed recently that led to the release of the beta for CM? Or has it taken this long to basically build the OS from the ground up to work around the locked bootloader?
Basically, from what I understand, he messed with the init files, that tell the device and OS what to do on boot. I'm guessing that by doing this he was able to bypass the eFuse, which is what allowed him to put CM on the phone.
Why did it take so long for CM7 to come out for the X? I'm not trying to sound obnoxious, really, I'm curious about the timing. The reason I ask is because I was led to believe that the reason why there weren't many ROMs (including CM7) and community support for the DX is because of the locked bootloader. What's changed recently that led to the release of the beta for CM? Or has it taken this long to basically build the OS from the ground up to work around the locked bootloader?
Basically, from what I understand, he messed with the init files, that tell the device and OS what to do on boot. I'm guessing that by doing this he was able to bypass the eFuse, which is what allowed him to put CM on the phone.
To add to that, what he unlocked is the userspace, where the OS, UI, and everything else you see runs. However, the bootloader and kernel load before init runs, so those cannot be messed with, but anything after them (the userspace) can be modded I believe.