S6 Updated to Nougat 7.0

Droid Firefighter

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Oct 27, 2010
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Anyone else get the update to Nougat 7.0? I received a notification of the update and when I checked it was the new software.
S6 7.0 Menu.png
S6 7.0 Aboutphone.png
S6 7.0 Menu.png S6 7.0 Aboutphone.png .
Just got the update myself today. It looks like it went wild early this morning because I checked last night and it wasn't available to me on an S6.
I also have it now on my Verizon S6.

About 3 hours in, I've found the stock text messaging app has new emojis. Some are.....interesting. o_O
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I don't care for it at this point.
From the lock screen i can't pull down and open the notifications without the screen changing to a blank screen asking me to swipe.

Samsung messenger app can't be charged to a black background now. The all white is so plain.

I can't figure out how to enable the keyboard buttons to be multi functional with a hard press.

Also cannot change default apps. I want the Google calendar not the stock calendar. Default says not set and has no option to set.

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My work S6 Nougat works just like my personal S7 Nougat.
How can i open a text from the lock screen without having to swipe after opening the text?

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Small rant with the updated Messaging app. I'm hating how I have to "retrain" it now. I'll type in a COMMON word, and it will autocorrect it to something else. Like, I wanted the word "Nothing" and it changed it to "Morning." WTH?? I can understand trying to autocorrect a misspelled word, but a normal, everyday word getting switched to something completely different? No. Just...no.
Been using the update for a few days. I was having a problem with Marshmallow that every day around 2 or 2:30pm CT the phone would start to do something that would not allow you to do anything else. If I could get into gmail I would swipe a message away and it wouldn't go any where. It eventually would go away after 10-15 seconds. The update fixed that issue. Power saving seems to be good, still have to charge my phone 2-3 a day, but I think that is more where I work and my battery is old.

I have not experienced the messaging issue others talk about. I use Goggle Messages and not the stock app. I am experiencing a new issue.

When listening to a podcast with podcast addict or music on shuttle+ I get a stutter about every 3-5 minutes when the screen is off. When it is on, I don't get the stutter. At first I thought it was power settings, so I excluded both programs from being battery optimized, no change. Now I think it stutters when a sync is being done. Something like there isn't enough processor power to handle a sync and playing something at the same time.

Anyone got a suggestion as to what else to check to see if this program can be changed.
So after a week of having it, I haven't found much to dislike about the update. It seriously makes the S6 feel like a new machine. This is also coming from someone who got the S6 as a "had to" and seriously disliked its

Battery saving modes are impressive. Standard non-saving mode, is a little better while in standby, and running core apps. I find that its a pinch more power hungry when doing video and camera work than it was. While in mid power saving mode, I get nearly double the run time that I did before. Almost feels like I have a bigger battery than I do in it. Max Save makes a good "work" profile when ever I am in a point that I need to limit phone and app access.
The new camera software is easily twice as fast as the last one or even most third party camera apps.
I use google messages as well as the google keyboard, so I'm not having any issues with the stock messages or keyboard apps.
To the person that was complaining on the background of the stock messenger, I'm pretty sure you can change the background in the Samsung Themes feature.
I LOVE the native reply feature in nougat. I can reply to facebook posts, texts, FB messenger texts, nearly anything with out going into the standard app. Very much a win.
Phone and contacts apps are much crisper and flow a ton better.
Native Blue Light filter is excellent.
I'm not sure if anyone can confirm, but I believe the radios were improved upon as well.

My only gripe is to the drop down menu. I can't scroll left to right while it is "half down" like I used to. In order to see past the first six options I have to do a full pull down.
I can not stand having to swipe the screen after taping to open a notification.
Someone help i am going to lose control.

Every phone before i could simply pull the notification down a little (from the lock screen) then tap to open.
Now when i do that the screen freezes and makes me swipe to open.

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