Samsung Galaxy S II coming to Canada Q3; US After


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Mar 30, 2011
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Samsung Galaxy S II not coming til Q3 | Android Community

Not sure how much to believe this but...

Ran across that yesterday where the Samsung VP noted that the phone won't be coming to Canada until early Q3, and that Canada might get the phone before US does.

Between SG SII and Bionic it seems like I'll never get a new phone. Was kinda hoping for one by/in June as a graduation/birthday gift for myself.
Ugh, this was my worst fear. I had a feeling Verizon would get it later than the other carriers, and I was even considering jumping ship from Verizon if the delay was too long. But if all carriers will be getting it later this year, then I might have to cry myself to sleep tonight. I really wish Samsung would start dumping some more details on their release plans.
I'm getting tired of having to flash a new ROM on my Droid every time my phone slows down. Hurry up and get it here, Samsung!
To be fair, the fascinate did not come out till September. So this seems to be the correct time frame if Samsung and Verizon are following a yearly refresh. Although I'm sure it's touch more complicated behind the scenes than that (carrier negotiations, redesigns, etc.)
Samsung Galaxy S II not coming til Q3 | Android Community

Not sure how much to believe this but...

Ran across that yesterday where the Samsung VP noted that the phone won't be coming to Canada until early Q3, and that Canada might get the phone before US does.

Between SG SII and Bionic it seems like I'll never get a new phone. Was kinda hoping for one by/in June as a graduation/birthday gift for myself.
I thought i was the only 1 with a 9630 on this site,anyhoooooo!!!,everytime i look @ the sg2 i like it,but i think ill b rockin the bionic/targa!!:icon_ banana:
I'm not one to get impatient about a phone. But I want it already! I'm ready to give up my Droid 1. I'm so looking forward to the upgrade.

Q3? Grrrrr
I'm not one to get impatient about a phone. But I want it already! I'm ready to give up my Droid 1. I'm so looking forward to the upgrade.

Q3? Grrrrr

I'm sick of my D1, too. But I'm going to wait until Jan or Feb of 2012 to get a phone (which is when my car will be paid By that time, I'm sure there'll be something better than the S2 out (maybe the S3) but I'm EXTREMELY tempted to go ahead and cop this S2.