Samsung plans August 29th mobile launch... Galaxy S II finally landing in US?


Dec 26, 2009
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Burlington, WA
Well, we have few other details beyond what you see in that invite above, but you better believe we'll be in New York City on August 29th. We're definitely expecting Samsung to announce a Galaxy S II launch in the US, especially given Samsung Mobile President Shin Jong-kyun's promise of a release "sometime in August" -- along with that intriguing II graphic in the invite up top. We also have on good authority that the S II will be launching on several carriers at once, which likely explains why Samsung is putting on the show, rather than deferring to a single partner. Check back on the 29th for the full scoop, and head on over to our full review to whet your appetite in the meantime.

Update: We noticed that the invite image itself is named "Galaxy_S_II_Invite_v2.jpg," so we're gonna go out on a limb here and say that the S II will definitely be released.

Source: EngadgetSamsung plans August 29th mobile launch... Galaxy S II finally landing in US? -- Engadget
So is Aug 29th the announcement date, or the release date (or both)?

I would assume Announce date with the device following shortly there after. Although with no current signs of a GS2 variant for Verizon, their release doesn't look to be quite as soon as other carriers, regardless of what "insiders" or "tipsters" seem to say.

sent from my Droid Charge
Most likely the announce date for the SG2 on all 4 major carriers (VZW, Sprint, ATT, Tmo) plus today on facebook Samsung wrote the status "4" source
Most likely the announce date for the SG2 on all 4 major carriers (VZW, Sprint, ATT, Tmo) plus today on facebook Samsung wrote the status "4" source

"4" is somewhat vague. Sure it could be alluding to the big 4, but who knows. I'm still doubtful that Verizon's variant of the GS2 will be out anytime soon. I certainly hope that it is! But I don't want this to turn into another Thunderbolt/Bionic waiting game, thus I won't get my hopes up.

sent from my Droid Charge
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Yeah, that's just my guess for what "4" stands for. I think it's just Sammy starting to create some hype.
I really hope Verizon doesn't get left behind again. It's bad enough that the US has to wait for the thing while the rest of the world gets to have sweet GS2 goodness :(