Samsung's Official Hands-on Video for the Galaxy Note 5

I like the look of the silver one.
The Note 5 COULD POSSIBLY get me to switch from my Droid Turbo, but not until it's been out for a while and the price has come down. We shall see... :D
The Note 5 COULD POSSIBLY get me to switch from my Droid Turbo, but not until it's been out for a while and the price has come down. We shall see... :D

I promised myself that I wouldn't upgrade this year. And I promised that last year. And the year before. :confused:
Those colors are not available right now. Only black and white
Nice look at the device, but this is a bit ridiculous to me. Hands-on videos by people not being paid by the OEM tend to be much more informative and give you more of a real-world, first reaction opinion of a device.

I'm in the same boat as you @Ollie, though I told myself I WOULD upgrade last year, but not this one. However, I'm still leaning towards the new Moto X or one of the new Nexus devices if I upgrade (and can hold old long enough for the latter).
I usually just watch the videos to see what the phone looks like. Most reviews are opinion pieces so I often have the volume muted.

I'm invested in the S-Pen too much to give it up. I could just use my 12.2 Pro which has it as well and run with another phone, but the Note series is obviously much more portable.