Screen backlight flashing RAZR


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
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Al-Khobar Saudi
My RAZR recently updated to Ics.
After about a couple of weeks my screen backlight is flashing on and off from time to time.
The while screen flashes and looks like it has a light blue/white overlay.
To get it to stop i need normally to cycle power. Sometimes just adjusting brightness fixes it.
Any tips to identify if I have hardware or software issue?
vovers1 said:
My RAZR recently updated to Ics.
After about a couple of weeks my screen backlight is flashing on and off from time to time.
The while screen flashes and looks like it has a light blue/white overlay.
To get it to stop i need normally to cycle power. Sometimes just adjusting brightness fixes it.
Any tips to identify if I have hardware or software issue?

Its always recommend to do a fdr before or after u update,it will fix lil of the screen flashing on n off(not to sure about the tints)but its normal.mines does that time to time when iam in or out 4g ,it sometimes flashes when in or out of service also
Thanks for reply.
I have made factory reset.
Unfortunately the 'flashing' screen continues and is getting worse. I am afraid it maybe hardware.
A white/blue opaque light starts flashing on the screen. It fills about 95% of screen. The flickering is hard on the eyes. I can keep working but it is very annoying.
Unfortunately i live in a place where service takes weeks and cost of service is very high. Thanks for feedback.
That sounds bad..get a replacement if u gotta.must be a hardware issue
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