Screen protectors are a must!


New Member
Nov 15, 2009
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I bought my phone last thursday, and have been super carefull with it because my store had no cases, screen protectors, holsters...nothing. Planned to go to a larger store this weekend and buy something for it. Well yesterday on the way to the store the screen got scratched, I really dont even know what I did... I possibly put it in my pocket with my keys for maybe 30 minuted while in another store.

Anyway my point is these screens are very easy to scratch, I have seen the video that the guy keys his screen, while interesting and kinda funny it isn't really a real life scenario. I have even seen a post saying corporate reps say the screen needs no protection its very durable and scratch resistant, well I had the Iphone for 2 years in December and it had a screen protector on it less than a quarter of its life and its screen was 2x as scratch resistant matter of fact its still not scratched very bad.

Lastly dont buy the Verizon 3 pack I tried them yesterday and the fit isnt correct the guy at the store AFTER I bought them and was returning them said I needed to trim one side for it to fit correctly. I told him they are suppost to be already cut to fit and I wanted my money back. I ended up with the Zagg Universal Invisible Shield from Best Buy and put it on last night its not really hard to install and looks good, but it seems kinda sticky. I have heard it gets better after a couple of days of usage so we'll see.

Just thought I would let you know my experience and hope it helps some prevent scratches on there screens.
Well the screen is made of glass, whatever can scratch that can do the same to the screen. I bought the 3-pack of the screen shields and didn't have a problem putting them on. As so far as i'm aware of there is no defect with them.
Do you wear a diamond ring? I can visualize you digging it out of your pocket and scraping it with the stone on a finger ring.
Nope no diamond ring. I don't even remember putting my keys to my truck in my pocket with my phone.
Is it possible it was damaged before you got it and just didn't see it until you looked again?
given the video that was posted attacking the droid with keys, i doubt it was from keys, but i'd like to now how it happened because it seems pretty rugged.

that being said, i'm pretty paranoid about only putting my cell in a pocket with nothing else in it.
No it was scratched yesterday, I would of seen these marks they are clearly visable.
First thing I did was protect the screen. I bought the rip off $12.99 pack a Verizon because I wanted something on it right away. The protector fit fine on my phone. In the future I will by IS or something on ebay. All the ones I have ever purchased for different devices seemed to be pretty much the same. Usually I purchase generic ones and cut them to fit. Still haven't decided on a case, usually it's in my pocket by itself, so the pocket is pretty much a case. I likely will wind up with some type of sleeve. I figure by mid Dec. or Xmas there will be many more accessories available for it. Including more reasonably prices docks/stations on ebay. Verizon just plain charges way too much for that stuff.
See what happened was he forgot that he had cryptonite in his pocket.. it made the screen weak.
On HowardForums some people are saying that sand and quarts can build up in your pocket and that will scratch the screen. It has happened to some people with iphones and ipod touches as well. I went through the Verizon screens and was not able to install them without air bubbles.. I was going to go without one until I read about the sand... now I need to get one asap...
Well a direct key to the screen isn't the same as a constant rubbing motion like having keys and a phone in ur pocket.
If u wear a studded earing it could have happened while actually usin the phone. Thats what has been happenig to me wit the past few phones i completely forget that im wearing it and when i look bak its too late
I've never scrached a cell phone screen made from glass, ever. Not even after dropping it on the pavement. Screen protectors are the biggest ripp off ever.
On HowardForums some people are saying that sand and quarts can build up in your pocket and that will scratch the screen. It has happened to some people with iphones and ipod touches as well. I went through the Verizon screens and was not able to install them without air bubbles.. I was going to go without one until I read about the sand... now I need to get one asap...


lots of people don't realize that small amounts of dirt and sand get in your pockets. mix that up with keys, lint, or whatever else you got in there and your screen will eventually get scratched. the screens aren't scratch proof, just scratch resistant.

that said, i still won't use a screen protector. glass screens are very durable these days so it's a small risk i'm willing to deal with.
What does it take to make a scratch on any given type of material? It takes a material that is harder than the material trying to be scratched. What's harder than glass? Diamonds, sand, silica, etc...

The only thing that 'key video' demonstrated was that the display IS indeed made of glass and that it's durable enough not to have cracked. The fact that it didn't scratch from having a key taken to it shouldn't have surprised anyone.

Moral of the story: Don't be surprised if your screen's glass...and glass can still be scratched.