SD card unmount causes reboot


Premium Member
Theme Developer
Apr 15, 2010
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So I have been just living with this for a while now, whenever I mount my sd card as USB mass storage and then unmount it, the phone will reboot. It will get to the unlock screen and then reboot again. It does this a few times in a row and then all is fine, until I unmount the SD card again. It is really starting to bug me.
I could always just wipe and install the ROM again (Smoked Glass) but was hoping there was a real solution.. USB diagnostic mode works fine, it is only until I either unplug the USB cable from a mounted SD card or unmount the SD card.

For a while I could get by with rebooting to recovery to work with the SD card but now that too causes the rebooting problem after leaving recovery.

I thought it was SD related so I just took out the SD card after it rebooted on me and it did the same thing - rebooted twice or thrice and then was fine again.
I am having this same problem. it has gotten to the point where when I try to reset it I have to take the battery out to get it to turn off so I can reset it. any ideas why this is happening?
Had a similar problem with BB v1. It was resolved when I disabled SD card notification sounds. Give that a shot.
Thank you That worked which is good cause it was driving me crazy
Okay, so then the only question left is why does this happen? Helix Launcher tries to force close on me upon startup when the SD card takes forever to mount. What is holding up the SD card mounting?