Shopping a Bluetooth Headset for my DINC2


Oct 17, 2010
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Any suggestions? I can't pull the trigger on any that I have seen because no matter the price, they all seem to have a lot of problems, whether it be the fit, noise cancelation, audio quality, etc. I'm not looking to spend more than $60, and I would really prefer to keep it even cheaper than that if quality can still be purchased at that price mark, but we will see how that works out. I'd prefer to get suggestions from DINC2 owners because that is the phone I will be using with the headset. Thanks!
There are many options at your price range. If you intend to listen to music from your DINC2 make sure the headset has a2dp and if you want to control your phone from the headset make sure the headset has AVRCP. Visit a2dpbluetoothheadsetcity - Home for a variety of choises.
I am using the GTMaxx by Ikross, its universal to almost most droids, so if you change phones in the future you wont have to by yet another Bluetooth which is nice, there are quite a few earpieces other than the GTMaxx that are universal also, i just like this one cause i have small ears and the earpiece adjusts to stay on my ear haha. droid
Go to Costco or Sams club. They both have units in your price range and if in 2yrs it dies, take it back, get your money, and buy the latest they have in stock.

I have the bose lvl2 as a gift but that is higher than you want to spend.
Anybody know of a good set of earbuds to go with the 4G LTE? Preferrably with an inline mic that works. Any info would be appreciated.