Smart Bluetooth Tags


Apr 25, 2010
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I have been posting on another forum about trusted device security.

You can set a Bluetooth device as trusted and phone security is bypassed when paired. Loose your phone and it is locked and requires your code to get in. Finding a device and warnings that you left it behind are options.

Looks like first quarter next year will have several available. I am looking forward to this technology. These are BT 4.0 low power devices.

The fruit phone guys are ahead of us on this one.

I know that I paired my MOTO X with my car using Bluetooth yesterday and it acts similar to this by letting me set that "trusted device" to keep the phone unlocked. Comes in handy when using Listen, Pandora, etc. Maybe that's added in 4.4 as I've never seen that before on my GNex running 4.3 or until I ran the OTA to 4.4 on this one a few hours after I got it.
Yep, I had that working with an old Bluetooth ear bud. Pretty cool! Having a small fob on key ring that does it will be really cool. Chris
Here is an inexpensive Bluetooth to play around with. It has a rechargeable battery and will have to be recharged every day or two. In the spring there will be much better choices. But for the price I bought one for now.
Cobra Tag 2-Way Separation Alarm for BlackBerry and Android Deal of the Day | Groupon

So you set this guy up and then set it as a trusted BT device and turn on screen lock. As long as you are in range and paired the screen lock is bypassed. Separate the two devices and screen lock is active.

Pretty cool function!
