SMS Auto Responder?


Feb 16, 2010
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Anyone know of one?
I've got this co-worker who loves to send group texts of the stupid things people send him (I think everyone knows someone like this) and I'd like to be able to send something back automatically, right now I usually respond with either the 9000+ facts app or the bible quotes app, but that takes up my time and I'd love to have something automatic so if I get a message from a certain contact it would just auto forward something random. he never texts anything worth while or work related.... annoying.
I am pretty sure that under your verizon account settings you can block call and/or texts from certain numbers. I want to say there is a way to do it on your phone, but I dont remember.
yeah, I use Handscent right now and it seems I can blacklist right from the app, but I don't want to blacklist, just give it right back to him, hoping eventually he'll get annoyed by my responder and take me out of the group....