Sms tts thru bluetooth headset while driving


Feb 7, 2011
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I'm trying to get an app that will read my incoming text messages to me through my Bluetooth headset while I'm driving. I can't seem to get Vlingo to communicate through the Bluetooth headset and I can't get Blue Control to work at all. Even Vlingo won't read incoming text messages like it is supposed to; the texts come in the normal way, with no effort to read them through the headset or speaker regardless of settings. As I want to do this while driving, whatever app I use must do this without me having to push anything on the phone. Halp?

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BTW, I'm using Handcent SMS on a Droid Pro and a Motorola H730 headset, if any of that matters.
Is the h730 ad2p Compatible? Will it play other media, I.e. pandora, or the Nav voice?
I'm not sure. It used to play the VZ Navigator voice in my EnV3, but it doesn't on the Pro.

Even still, I have the Vlingo setting reading that it should read incoming SMS messages, and it doesn't do it, not even through the speaker phone.
It seems it is not ad2p. I guess I'll have to get one that is. That still leaves me with the problem that vlingo does not read the messages over the speaker. It just lets the text come in, the notification ring, and does nothing about it. I'd hate to go through the trouble of buying a new headset only to find that I still can't get vlingo to play nice. Any help getting it to automatically read incoming messages through the speaker? (if I have to locate the message and push a button, it kinda defeats the purpose, no?)
alright, I finally got an ad2p headset, but vlingo (and it seems everything else) is incompatible with Handcent (which I love). What apps will read incoming text messages to Handcent SMS through ad2p bluetooth without me having to touch the phone?
I don't know if this has anything to do with your issue, but.... neither txt nor email notifications come through my ad2p hands free or my bt stereo head phones. They both only come through the external speaker even when a bt device is connected. A call ring comes through bt though. Go figure
No, tts reading of incoming handcent texts do not come through either the headset or speaker using any program I've so far tried.
Have you tried the following apps,

Text N Drive
Drive (yes there is a period in the name)

I have used both and they work well at reading texts, Not sure if they will work with Handcent or not but they have worked with other applications.

I do not currently use either one as my car has a lot of road noise and the speech to text doe not work well with all the background noise.

But hey both have free versions so they may be worth a try for you.
neither one is free (text n drive has a subscription); I don't want to pay for an app just to find it doesn't work with Handcent. Can anyone confirm that either one does?
one of the reviews also says that text n drive will not work over bluetooth if you have handcent
neither one is free (text n drive has a subscription); I don't want to pay for an app just to find it doesn't work with Handcent. Can anyone confirm that either one does?

There are two versions of Text and Drive

Text N Drive w/SMS - free to intall
Text N Drive Pro - charge of $5.04

Drive Free SMS Reader
Drive Pro charge of $14.00 supposedly Could be wrong on ammount

But I also stated that "not sure if it works with Handcent or not but it did work with other apps"

Why not try the free versions and see if one of them does.
Thanks for clarifying. Just downloaded them. Neither free version works with Handcent.