So, How is your Bionic?


Active Member
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Now that the 902 OTA has landed and some of the dust has settled, what do you now think about your Bionic? For me, I've been thrilled with it since release week in September. The only issue I've had was the camera. My Bionic has not given me any ongoing problems since I first started it up. I may have been lucky or maybe its how I use it, but my Bionic has been rock solid. Most of the time I'm on WiFi (work and home). Otherwise, 4g/3g service has been good (Dallas and suburbs). I learned how to maximize the battery life per charge. The 893 OTA helped fix the camera. I haven't noticed any significant changes with the 902 OTA. Now all I'm waiting for is ICS. However, I'm not in any great hurry because my Bionic fulfills my smartphone needs. :icon_ lala:
I have had mine since release day and had signal problems in the beginning. 893 and now 902 have fixed those. I agree the camera in this phone sucks, my OG Droid was way better photo taker.. It has got better, just not as good as the Droid. Overall I'm happy with it and it will serve me well till my next update.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I manually upgraded to .901 and the big thing for me was battery improvement and the camera. Nothing significant between .901 & .902, though.
I was on 901 for the longest time, and was a little worried about fixin' what ain't broke by installing 902, but 902 has been perfect so far for the two or so days I've had it installed!
To put that into perspective, 5.5.886, 5.5.893 and 5.7.893 were absolutely terrible for me. Constantly losing 4g/3g, random reboots, BSODs, forced battery pulls, all the bad stuff. 901 (and now 902) fixed every single problem I had with the phone.
My Bionic

I've had the Bionic since a week after it came out. Maybe I was lucky because I never had any problem with it. I only had one update to 893. Never got 901 and am waiting for 902, so I don't know what will happen when I do update...
Under the last release I would always be down to 60% or 70% by the end of the work day, today was still at 80%. I didn't have a lot of issues with it, but hopefully 902 fixes the black screen issues I would occasionaly get (requiring battery pull).
Under the last release I would always be down to 60% or 70% by the end of the work day, today was still at 80%. I didn't have a lot of issues with it, but hopefully 902 fixes the black screen issues I would occasionaly get (requiring battery pull).

After reading your reply, I decided to check my battery indicator, something I've stopped doing awhile ago because I was getting all the battery life I needed during a day's use. Like you my indicator said 80%. That is a 10% increase from what I typically get at this point of the work day. So, I guess 902 OTA has improved my battery life.
I have had mine since day one and now that I am on 902 it really is the phone it should have been at launch. Zero data drops the camera is a bit faster. Have tons of apps and wigets going and the phone does not slow down. Web pages come up in seconds, loving it now. Now that we are pretty much bug free hoping ICS comes out soon without any issues fingers crossed!
being that this is my first smartphone I really don't know how much I get to say on any kind of comparison to other phones. The only other smartphone I ever got to play on was my gf's iphone(s). But, with that in mind, I love my Bionic. I have had little trouble with signal strength, speed, accesibility, overall fun with the phone. I've always said I feel like I still truly haven't gotten what I paid for simply because I know so little about smartphones and how to manage software in a way that would really make it stand apart from others. Still, I have had a great time learning about it, and getting the phone to suit my needs.
The only things I dislike (hopefully fixed with the new update) were battery life and droped interenet connectivity.
I have had very few data drops. For a few weeks I was having to do the airplane mode trick a few times a day but since this update which i got 4 days ago I have yet to have a single issue.
I have had my Bionic since the day if release. I never had a problem with it like others reported. No data drops or anything like that. The only issue was the camera. Since the update, I notice the camera performs better. I also noticed an increase in battery life. I can make it a full day plus more, moderate and heavy use. This is 3g or Wifi because 4g hasn't made it to my area yet.

Sent from my b*d*as Bionic!
Holy sh**!!! This 902 update is absolutely amazing. It has made my bionic everything i thought it would be on release. Battery life is awesome now, i'm going on 13 hours and still have 45 percent of my battery left. (Standard battery, not extended). Haven't had a a single data drop either! also noticing better data reception in places where it was spotty before, but that may just be me :p lovin the 902! Cant wait to flash eclipse!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
The camera is the biggest disappointment with the phone. Everywhere else it's great!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Love my Bionic. Works well, speedy, well built...and I can see the screen on a beach in bright daylight!
Huge impovement. The last update (.893 or whatever) gave me more data drops and issues, than I had from day one and more battery drain. So far, so good and the camera speed had really improved (almost no lag).