Soak test or official ota??


Apr 4, 2012
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I see a lot of people here saying that its a soak test and not the official ota. Make no mistake about it this is the official ota. As i see it this I'd not just an upgrade. Its a whole new os. An os that you can't revert back from if it had any bugs. Meaning if this was a soak test to find bugs to then fix and Tennessee with ota they would have to make 2 ota. One for the purple still on gingerbread and the other for the purple that soak tested. I don't think Motorola is that dumb. Ours better to just release ics and then patch it up if there are any bugs. At least that's my theory.
You sound so positive . How do you know ? :icon_ rofl: :icon_ rofl:
I'm moving this to the ics forum.. Thanx.

Correct this is an official roll out not a soak. It should begin rolling out tomorrow morning again.
definitely hope it is waiting on me in the morning
Nothing in Michigan yet, but my heater core exploded on the way into work this morning. :mad:

Ah Monday, if I could kill you I would.
I see a lot of people here saying that its a soak test and not the official ota. Make no mistake about it this is the official ota. As i see it this I'd not just an upgrade. Its a whole new os. An os that you can't revert back from if it had any bugs. Meaning if this was a soak test to find bugs to then fix and Tennessee with ota they would have to make 2 ota. One for the purple still on gingerbread and the other for the purple that soak tested. I don't think Motorola is that dumb. Ours better to just release ics and then patch it up if there are any bugs. At least that's my theory.

Correct this is an official roll out not a soak. It should begin rolling out tomorrow morning again.

Hate to tell you both this . It was a soak test . I was part of it. I just received the final survey about the soak test . ICS works great . Hopefully it should be out for everyone soon .
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Hate to tell you both this . It was a soak test . I was part of it. I just received the final survey about the soak test . ICS works great . Hopefully it should be out for everyone soon .

I think you missed the point. .211 is likely the official roll-out version, and yes, there was clearly a multitude of postings mentioning it, and it is apparently still an ongoing soak.

For the record, I am not aware of one other than you indicating any survey having been sent yet. Had there been a survey, that would mean the soak is over, and the Motorola's Private Forums would be closed. Again, there have been no posts by anyone else to confirm this, and if it had been closed there would likely be a barrage of news from those soak members as they would now be out of their confidentiality agreement.

If you believe you have proof of your claim, how about posting a screen shot of the survey?
I think you missed the point. .211 is likely the official roll-out version, and yes, there was clearly a multitude of postings mentioning it, and it is apparently still an ongoing soak.

For the record, I am not aware of one other than you indicating any survey having been sent yet. Had there been a survey, that would mean the soak is over, and the Motorola's Private Forums would be closed. Again, there have been no posts by anyone else to confirm this, and if it had been closed there would likely be a barrage of news from those soak members as they would now be out of their confidentiality agreement.

If you believe you have proof of your claim, how about posting a screen shot of the survey?

See attached View attachment 51614
Umm, regarding Matt from the Motorola Feedback Network... is his grammar and the command of the English language usually that poor? Just curious, because I have never received any written communication from MFN Matt but I would think someone in his position would have better writing skills.

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I received the survey too.

OK, it appears I stand corrected on one point - that the survey did go out (to some). So to clarify, it is a soak as most everyone has maintained all along on these threads. As said, the real question which was on the minds of the members is whether .211 was the version that would be rolled out or if we might see an iteration of that, such as perhaps a .212 to fix some minor issues.