Some emails not being received


New Member
Feb 27, 2015
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I've been having a problem where some of my emails are NOT being received on my phone but appear on my computer at home. Each day there will be 2-5 emails that are missing. I check my phone's email often throughout the day (which is via an earthlink account) expecting certain emails, and think I didn't receive them. Then when I get home I see a few that I never received throughout the day (in webmail or outlook) on my PC. I called Verizon, my carrier. They told me to remove my earthlink account from the phone and re-add it. When I do, all of a sudden the missing emails appear on my phone. But then the next day, the same thing happens again with missing emails. I don't know who to go to for assistance at this point. Can anybody help out as to what the problem/solution may be?
I assume you are using the stock E Mail app?
Yes. I've been using the standard app. I have my email through work on it too and all the emails appear.
Hmmmm...strange. If other accounts using the same app sync all messages that would lead me to believe that the issue is not on tour phone but with Earth link. Have you tried contacting their support folks? They might have some tips or suggestions.
Are the missing emails random or from a specific person?
The stock email account is pretty mediocre. I'd suggest trying a good third party email app from the play store, like K9 mail, and see if that collects all of the mail for you.