Sometimes a high pitched noise in ear peace during a call in A955 (droid 2)

Nov 6, 2010
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Tamarac Fl ri duh
I just got this Droid 2 phone off criags list It came brand new in the box.
Everything is perfect on the phone execpt this one thing. During some calls you would hear a faint high pitch noise in the ear piece. It sounds like an old fashion AM radio. It doesn't interfear with the conversation but I know it's there and it's annoying. While the sound is going I have have swtiched it to speaker phone the sound is not there.

Troubleshooting steps- I have pulled the battery, changed locations and did a master reset. I have also made hundreds of calls to companies like comcast and verizon with long recordings checking for sound quality and hopefully to activate that sound (when the connection is made) It has happend a couple of time. My goal was to hang up and dial back again to see if that sound came back. At times it did and other times it did not. I was checking to see if it's a singnal issue. ThenI thought about it and said if it was a singnal then it would be on speaker phone. during a conversation when that sound was activated I'd listen for it when the other party hung up and the sound went away (right before the phone shut down.) So it's happening purely when the phone is connected. I have also switched the phone from EVRC ot EVRC-B

Just be aware it can come and go at anytime. It can not come at all, It can come 10 min's into a conversation and not go away or go away after a while. There is no rhyme or reason for this. it can come right after I push the send button.

I have an RMA to Motorola but I'm afraid to send it because everything else about the phone is perfect. when speaking to the technican in the philipeans I asked him if they can't find the issue will they give me a new phone the answer was no if anything a refubished. Everything on my phone is perfect execpt this. I am so afraid I'll get a phone back with bad reception or slow screen or somthing of that nature. I love this phone The only thing I can do to toubleshoot this more is to buy anotherone from walmart/verizon see if it happens and return it. I don't have $600.00 to spend now.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this problem. or to find me a way to get me another phone that is brand new.
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I have a Droid 1 and have had this problem since it was new. I am rooted and have changed ROMs and kernals multible times and manually changed my baseband to the latest. The problem remains. I have not seen a consistent pattern as to when it occurs, but, on my phone, it does seem to happen most often at the beginning of a call and then gradually go away.

I don't know what percentage of phones have this problem. I am suprised that the Droid 2 also has this issue. Getting a new phone may or may not solve your problem.