somewhat easier guide to root your droid 2

I'd try closing the command prompt and restarting it. Then doing the adb devices again, and see if that works. If it doesn't, try updating the files for adb. Go to the setup.exe and it'll open a window and updated the files for 2.2.

Alas, I've tried that repeatedly; this is my fifth attempt rooting in almost as many days.

Scratch that, no joy. Updated again to dump the google APIs in, but to no avail. Everything's up to date.

What OS are you running on?

Windows 7, 64 bit.
Thank You everyone that posted problems and fixes, I now have root!dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid
I'm having what I think might be a minor issue. I've installed ADB and the drivers and downloaded the 4 files. I go into a cmd window and go to c:\android-sdk-windows\tools
but once I do adb devices nothing shows up just says "list of devices attached"

I can't find where to put my phone in PC Mode. When i plug it in nothing happens (it does charge). Any ideas? I'm runnin Win7 x64 but also tried it on 32 bit XP and had the same issue. I'm probably just not looking in the right place to put my phone into PC mode. Also USB debugging IS Enabled.

I can't find where to put my phone in PC Mode. When i plug it in nothing happens (it does charge). Any ideas? I'm runnin Win7 x64 but also tried it on 32 bit XP and had the same issue. I'm probably just not looking in the right place to put my phone into PC mode. Also USB debugging IS Enabled.

The quickest way would be once you have connected the phone, pull down the Notifications on the phone and tap the "USB Connection" notification. Should bring the screen of modes up right away.

Just as a note - PC Mode did not work for me on Win7 x64. If you start getting "Access Denied" messages when issuing the "adb push" commands, try switching to "Charge Only". For some reason, that works on mine, without issue.
That's the weird part when I plug my phone in I don't receive any notifications... Just starts charging.
Did you install the moto drivers? Also try a different usb port, my win 7 pc I had to try plugging the phone in and power cycling it while plugged into a usb port and it finally worked.
Yup drivers installed successfully. Not sure what's up. I'm thinking maybe it's the cable i'm using. It's a generic one. I'll try the cable that came with the phone when I get home...
Got home used the cable that came with the phone and boom. Rooted in less than 15 min. The actual rooting part only took about 5 minutes. Takes longer to install everything. Thanks!
Got home used the cable that came with the phone and boom. Rooted in less than 15 min. The actual rooting part only took about 5 minutes. Takes longer to install everything. Thanks!

Glad that the tutorial was helpful!
this or the other guide should get stickied so it doesnt get lost. i have a feeling when xmas rolls around there will be a swarm of new users looking to root
this or the other guide should get stickied so it doesnt get lost. i have a feeling when xmas rolls around there will be a swarm of new users looking to root

It's already stickied on the D2 subforums on XDA! :p

Trying to get the DX peeps to try it, but they are no fun!
Anytime I try to push a file it says that it can't find the directory. I have the SDK Manager installed and updated fully. I'm sure I'm just missing something, but I can't figure out what it is. Can anybody help?
Are you in the right directory in the adb shell? I extracted the 4 files right into the SDK TOOLS folder. In the adb shell I changed my path to C:\android-sdk-windows\tools and followed the instructions from there. My guess is that you don't have the right path in adb shell so it can't find the files to push.