Sorry, newbie ROM question.


Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, so as my sig states, I have just re-obtained root on my Droid 2. I do not want to keep stock so that another update can be shoved down my throat. I am very interested in learning how to use ROMS.

Here's what I got:
1. "Droid 2 recovery bootstrap" from clockwork
2. A YouTube video as reference:

Is it really that simple? I would really prefer to not wipe data.

Thoughts, reccommendations.....

Thx :D

Sent from my rooted DROID 2! Much thanks to phifc from rootzwiki for the 2.3.4 .621 root!
Bump (sorry if this isn't allowed)

Sent from my rooted DROID 2! Much thanks to phifc from rootzwiki for the 2.3.4 .621 root!
I haven't watched the video but typically yes you only need bootstrap to get into clockwork and then follow the proper steps to flash the ROM. As far as wiping data, unfortunately it is something you will need to if you chose to install a custom rom.

If you would prefer, there is a way to block the update without needing a custom rom. Also, you could potentially back some apps and data up.

"Don't Panic!"
Tapatalk 2_NEXUS 7
All your Apps should be backed up in the Play Store if you selected that option previously. Otherwise you can download Titanium Backup since you're already rooted. You will have to restore each App one by one if you don't get the paid version, but it's better than nothing. Also, make sure that you only restore Apps and App data, not system files or anything else. Also, backup your contacts through Google beforehand or via an App or you will lose those as well. Good luck, you'll be flashing in no time.