(Source) Droid 2 apk's

Ok sorry I guess I have one more question. Does anyone know if kindle and nfs shift are suppose to be a part of the system apps needed to perform a software update?

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Ok sorry I guess I have one more question. Does anyone know if kindle and nfs shift are suppose to be a part of the system apps needed to perform a software update?

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

Sorry it took so long to answer. I do have Kindle on my phone but don't know what the nfs shift is. It is best to put them on though.

If you have not finished already, or even if you have, get the paid version of Titanium backup from the Market and freeze all the bloat apps rather than removing them and going back through all of this. Also, Droid2 bootstrapper and make a backup of the stock setup. Then just use it to restore the next time there is an update.