Speech recognition


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Reaction score
I love the speech recognition on this phone for "speaking" long text messages...UNTIL I did the 2.2 Update. Ever since then, I "speak" into my phone and the Speak Now stays displayed and finally switches to Working and converts my speech to text...but it's not even CLOSE most of the time, and much shorter than I spoke.

I even tried it on a co-worker's phone (after he updated his) and it work's fine on his.

Anyone heard of this happening? Could the update be the cause?

Tom Hawkins
:welcome: to the forum!

Could be the update. Did you do it manually or have it pushed OTA? OTA updates have had some issues for a lot of people.

Can you update the Voice Search from the market? If so, do that first, see if it helps. 2.0.1 is the latest version.
I did OTA (if you mean Over The Air). I don't see an application for this. I think it's a feature on the basic OS. I just press the microphone symbol on the on-screen keyboard. Before, as soon as I quit speaking, the display changed to "Working" and then displayed the text. Now, it stays on "Speak Now for 3-5 seconds after I quit speaking, then goes to "Working" and displays the text with MUCH LESS accuracy than before. Driving me nuts....I was very much liking the feature.
Not afraid....do I download the update from somewhere then plug in my phone?
Will this re-install wipe out anything I have added or changed??
Nope. Totally clean install. Any apps that you updated that might be replaced will update again automatically, but I can't think of any other than the Facebook app and maybe the Twitter app that would do that anyway.
I got it installed...did two tests...works MUCH better.

You are awesome!! May God Bless you always!!
