Steel droid v5 battery problems


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
I'll be upgrading to v 5.1 soon, I'm just waiting for my battery to charge that way I don't run in to any problems.
Sadly, it seems to take about 4 hours to charge for 100% battery? I don't understand that
Also my phones been charged in the wall and I'm not using it, yet the battery stays at 51% and when I finally decide to reply to a text message it goes to 50%?
Is it normal for it to take this long to charge? Also how long are you guys getting on a 100% charge. I unplugged my phone at 7am and it died by 2pm. NO GPS, NO WIFI, NO nothing really. Internet was on and listened to music for about 30min to 1 hour of music. Frequent texting and very little internet use.
You cant get your battery to say its charged above 51%? Thats pretty strange. Did you try wiping battery stats with the phone still plugged in (in recovery)?
I sbfed, wiped data and cache before putting the rom on and thats about it. Phone wasnt plugged it or anything. I took a quick ride on the motorcycle, listened to music, turned the internet off and it went from 51 to 30 % -_- that was pretty much an hour or less.
So any ideas? I'm still planning on flashing to 5.1
Im not sure if v5.2 will solve your issues or not, but Im still playing around with various tweaks. I cant make it perfect for everyone, so you really just have to see what works for you. v5.2 is not done yet, but I will definitly let everyone know when it is. :icon_ lala: