Still using your watch?

eh...Like we keep saying, I'm not mad at all about the deal I got on mine to get a taste of AW. Do I think wifi could be useful? Absolutely. Does it make me want to go out and get a new watch tonight? No. I'll bide my time and continue to wait to upgrade. By the time a full year or more has passed with me as an owner of an AW watch, who knows what innovations will have come up.
I thought it would be nice to dismiss it. That's why i manually updated Play Services. But as soon as it was gone, I realized that I rely on it for the same things you do. Sure, my watch usually vibrates when it disconnects and Find My Phone pops up after the set delay that I put on it, but I like being able to pull the shade down, tap the notification and edit my watch, quick and easy.

First thing I did after dismissing it was to search for an option to turn it back on. Haha!

Well, I rebooted my phone earlier like I do every few days and I think I received the Play Services update. Without even thinking I dismissed all Notifications and now my AW notification is gone. Bummer, I liked it! But what's worse is that it is making a mess of my connection between watch & phone. They will not stay connected, notifications are either not appearing on my watch or old notifications from yesterday randomly appear on my watch and not my phone. I just cleared the cache for all apps and rebooted my phone & watch and so far so good. I hope it's not time for another watch FDR for me. So far, Googles updates that affect Android Wear have not been friendly to me.
After I manually updated Play Services, I spent most of a day wondering why I wasn't getting notifications on the watch. I thought I had blocked tapatalk on it and just forgotten that I'd done so. I had been thinking about doing so.

It wasn't until later that I realized I wasn't getting ANY notifications. A simple restart of the watch fixed that though.
I just connected my watch to my phone for the first time today, and I was prompted to approve a change to trusted devices due to a Google Play Services update. Now my Android Wear notification is gone as well. I never dismissed it. I guess the new Google Play Services update just completely got rid of it. Not a huge deal for me, but it is a bit odd to not be able to find an option to bring it back, especially since I never dismissed it.
Mine was still there after I updated manually, but disappeared as soon as I did a Clear All on my notifications. I knew it was going to go away based on what I'd read about the update, but I also assumed it would be possible to bring it back. I've disconnected and reconnected my watch a few times since updating for various reasons and lengths of time and it hasn't shown back up any of those times that I've noticed.
Darn it. Where's my update so I can dismiss it? :D


My Play Services updated just by rebooting the phone and opening the Play Store.
Got my notice today that Ingress needed new play services. Clicked on it in the tray, wouldn't install.
Rebooted and my AW notifier is gone.

I am using my smart watch regularly. Smart watch become a part of my daily work. I am looking for some advance level smart watch with a lot of features. Thinking about having a Modular smart watch.