Swype issues

Mace Windu

Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
in a safe place
Swype beta does not work with liberty 3. After my initial flash, it seemingly works, but then fc issues persist after reboot, awakening, etc.
I reinstalled swype beta via tb. I even saved the nexus s version and attempted to install it, to no avail.

Anyone found a fix?

Sent from my DROIDX using the old version of swype, which I cannot choose the correct word and forced to erase and type in manually
I had the same problem, actually it's what kept me from switching to VorteXRC1 at first. Then after A LOT of scrounging I stumbled onto these themed Swype BETA files from DJDarkKnight.

They're great, just a straight .apk install, just make sure you uninstall the Swype BETA Installer first.


Hope this helps.

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Problem solved. Street force closes occur, switch to another keyboard. Uninstall Swype. Reboot. Reinstall. Swype away. This way you can keep up with beta updates if you like.

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