Sync to AOL mail just vanished!!!!!

Victor Sosa

New Member
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
Every day since I got this droid x, it's been one issue after another. I am THISCLOSE to returning this thing. As for today's problem, which I would sincerely appreciate a little advice on fixing; it's all about email.

I have my AOL account synced to the phone, or at least, I did until this morning. Got a notification about 20 minutes ago that there's an authentication issue preventing me from getting my email on the phone. I went in, re-entered my AOL username and password, and I got an error message saying the login to the account failed and to try again.

So I wondered if I had been hacked and someone changed my info. Logged onto a PC and got into my AOL email just fine. Went back to the phone and no luck. So I deleted the account off of the phone and tried to reinstall it, only to get the same error message.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can get this straightened out?
I'm having the same problem today. Tried to check my email and it just kept loading. Finally got an error message saying wrong password. Tried reinstalling and it wony sync...says wrong username and password..
Seems that it was probably an AOL issue, because I was able to reestablish the account on the phone a few minutes ago.
Droid issue

It's a known issue with the droid. It occurred after the system update this morning.

After deleting my account and adding it back again, I still had the problem so I called VZW. The first tech told me that I had to do a factory reset to resolve the issue. That didn't work and I lost some contacts, all my apps, my call history, and my text messages.

She said she'd call back in 10 minutes. When I hadn't heard from her in 40 minutes, I called VZW again. The second tech told me they'd just discovered the issue and were working on it.

The first tech called back about an hour later. She still hadn't heard that it was a known issue. When I told her, she said she thought it had been a good thing that we'd done the factory reset. I told her I disagreed. It didn't fix the problem we were trying to resolve and caused all sorts of other problems.
Even I had same issue. New mails are not seen in Inbox. Composed mail when sent shows no message to indicate that send is failed, so one would assume that the mail is successfully sent. I had sent an important mail this way which never reached the intended receipient. I came to know this only after two days :-(

Looks like this is a common issue. Hope Google/Verizon/AOL fixes this issue quickly. For now I go to from browser to access my emails.
Quit using the Native App....Use K9 or Touchdown.
Same issue here. I haven't had an email from my AOL account pushed to my Droid X since Jul 30th. VZW "tech support" always defaults to factory reset when they don't know what else to do... and never does it actually work.

Please update if anyone resolves this issue.
Got mine working. I had to remove the account, power cycle, and then add the account back. It's been working fine ever since. Not sure if that was coincidence or actually fixed it.