Syncing to my computer


New Member
Feb 6, 2011
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Can anyone tell me what drivers and proper steps I need to connect my Dorid X to my personal computer. Thanks
What all exactly are you wanting to sync to your PC and vice-versa?

Its easy to transfer files back and forth just using the USB cable that came with the phone...below are the steps to get you to the SD card folder on your phone from the PC. Post back if you would like to know how to set up the USB Media Sync option and I will try to guide you through it...

Forgive me if these instructions are written as if you have no idea what you are doing...I would rather do it step by step and you already know it, than to assume you know some of it and actually is not me trying to "dumb it down", but only to make it simple.

1) Connect the USB cable to the phone and PC...wait a few seconds...

2) That few seconds was to allow the SD card to "mount" if it needed to in order to be read by the PC. If it didnt "mount", then it more than likely is in "USB Charge Only Mode"..and we will address that next.

3) Now, reach up and "drag" down the Notification Bar Screen...anywhere in the middle of the bar will do and just "tap/drag" at the same time should work.

4) If it opened properly, you should now see "USB Connected"...tap it to bring up a pop-up window with 4 options. USB Mass Storage Mode, USB PC Mode, USB Charge Only Mode and Windows Media Sync Mode...we will be using USB Mass Storage mode, so tap it..

5) You may see in the Notification Bar an icon of an SD card doing a little "dance"..this is the SD card mounting again...its normal. Once it does it thing to completion, your PC is likely to open a folder showing more folders...this is the contents of your SD card. If it doesnt, we can do that manually by gling to My Computer and click the "new" drive that has popped should read as 16GB or so...
Can you follow these same steps to transfer photos from your phone to your computer?

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