Tasker Complex Actions for location sending - Need Help


New Member
Aug 14, 2012
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hi, I have searched everywhere in internet but not able to find out how can i do my thing. so I am writing here in hope coz i saw there are some expert users in this forum.
what i wanna do is.
as we can send sms simply to anyone with location in these series of actions.
Turn GPS On
wait 60 seconds
send sms with location.
but i want something complex for me. i know it can be achieved but I'm a little confused how.
suppose i get an sms from an important friend who wanna know my location, and the above action series sends him my location in google map coordinates, but he don't have internet in his phone to quickly see where i am. this is a problem. so i thought why should i not make some actions which can name the place as i describe?,
for example i specify in tasker that such n such cordinates squar is "HOME",
such n such coordinates is "Snooker Club"
such n such coordinates is "Mosque"
and etc etc... (where "such n such coordinates" can mean group of full squar coordinates like for example a Mosque's coordinates are
so first question is how can i mask a place on map and give it my own name to send in sms response.
secondly, if I'm at some place which i have not defined in tasker (i mean i haven't given that place a name yet), then tasker send the default google street address to that person.
in the end, I know i can do it alone, but as I'm new in tasker, this will take some time to understand the language of it. i have idea that this will be done by IF AND OR ELSE IF commands etc. but i need help to get learning this amazing software.
so please help me making such series of actions.
see attached image for an example of a stadium, with four coordinates of it's four corners, now take this challenge and help me out :)
Wow mrlover, that is a tough one! Welcome to the forums. There may be someone who can take you up on your challenge.

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Wow mrlover, that is a tough one! Welcome to the forums. There may be someone who can take you up on your challenge.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums

Thanks, let see if someone can help me out in this mission to unlock the potentials of this app :)
Ok. I've make it work. But not final yet. There are some problems with it yet. But i will post it here so anyone can help me finalizing it,
Will post it soon...

Sent from my HTC Explorer
the way i made it work is a very basic way as per my knowledge of this app. read all post.


Context: Message recieved.

GPS: set on
Get Location: Source GPS, Timeout (Seconds) 100
Variable set: Name %MYLOC to %LOC
Variable set: Name %MYLOCN to unknown
GPS: set off
Variable Split: Name %MYLOC Splitter , (splitter is "," to splite the X and Y axis of location coordinates to process them)
IF: %MYLOC1 > 31.445996
---IF: %MYLOC1 < 31.447497
------IF: %MYLOC2 > 74.351422
---------IF: %MYLOC2 < 74.353915
------------Variable Set: Name %MYLOCN to Stadium
---------End IF:
------End IF:
---End IF:
End IF:
IF: %MYLOCN ~ unknown
---Send SMS: Number %SMSRF Message "Mylocation is: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%LOC"
---Send SMS: Number %SMSRF Message "I am at %MYLOCN"
End IF:


So you see i made it but the use of IF is very unrealistic. i don't know how to use AND OR statements with this app, if i knew the process would be lot easier than what i made.
it should be as follows
IF: %MYLOC1 > 31.445996 AND %MYLOC1 < 31.447497 AND %MYLOC2 < 74.351422 AND %MYLOC2 > 74.353915
---Variable Set: %MYLOCN to Stadium
Else IF: (the next location name resolution here)
---Variable Set: %MYLOCN to Home
Else IF: (the next location name resolution here)
---Variable Set: %MYLOCN to Snooker Club
End IF:
but i don't know exactly how i achieve that use of IF AND OR statements, please anyone help?
no one to help?
this will lead me to develop me own app like tasker which would be better than that and having lots more features that i wanted to suggest the tasker team, but now i change my mind, I'm gonna develop ma own app, that will be having all the features of locale, tasker, lyama and automateit n guess what it will be free for all :)
just goin to start developing in a couple ov days when i get free...
Wow, that's super. There are not many that have that kind of expertise and know how to develop an app, let alone one with all those features. Wish I did.

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Rather than developing the entire app, just make it a plugin for tasker/locale. :)
TisMyDroid said:
Wow, that's super. There are not many that have that kind of expertise and know how to develop an app, let alone one with all those features. Wish I did.

Well i dont have any experience of java development, either no experience of wat hurdles i can face in the way. But what i know is C++ and what i have is a creative and mad mind lol, which is wat u need to do anything...
I have just installed all the necessory tools for android development and waiting for my schedual to get a bit unloaded to start reading abt android development. I hope there is not much difference in the basic levels of c and java languages.
But i have just decided to jump into android as i like it very much.
Let see what happens now lol

Sent from my HTC Explorer
Wow, that is exciting! I know nothing about Android development but it seems it would use similar c++ logic.

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I hope there is not much difference in the basic levels of c and java languages.

I started learning programming with Java at the beginning of this year. I've looked at C/C++ a little bit at some point in my life, but never learned much of it. Luckily for you, Java is generally considered part of the C family of languages, so syntactically, you should feel right at home. Much more than something like Ruby, which looks painful to me (due to its lack of familiar syntax).

The big thing about Android development, the thing that is making it difficult in my own attempts to learn, is its reliance on XML. If you're familiar with MVC programming, or something similar, you'll be a step (or two) ahead of me, probably. :S