TCL Will Launch Their New Android BlackBerry Phone February 25!


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Mobile World Congress is coming and there are plenty of exciting announcements that will come out of that event. Today TCL the company with the rights to the BlackBerry name have tweeted from the BlackBerry Mobile account pictures of the new device along with a date, time, and place for its announcement. We have seen previews of the device from CES, but the final official version of the device codenamed "Mercury" will be announced at MWC on February 25th at 7:00PM. The device does have a full physical keyboard. Are you interested in a phone with a full keyboard? Is the BlackBerry Mercury a device you would consider?

via @BBMobile
I've never been a big BlackBerry fan and never owned one. But I have to agree with the other folks, that is a sweet looking phone. Maybe I can convince my bosses that it's time to replace my old work phone with one of these?

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