Tell me why you like the Note 3


Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hey y'all.
I've been away from the forum for a super long time, and I am at that time again...UPGRADE TIME!!! I have the droid RAZR MAXX HD which I love, however I have been obsessing over the Samsung Note 3 but I want to know from you folks over here what you do like about it, what you don't like about it? does it get hot after you use it a lot? is the call quality good? do you actually use the s pen? has it worked great for you the longer you have had it? do you think it's better than the S5? (I go back and fourth, but i always fall back in love with the Note3). I like the S-Pen idea as I am an avid note taker, I love to draw and I read a lot of newspaper articles on my phone, I like am app happy, and i load a lot of music and audio books from I want to know if it is acually a good PHONE, as well as mini computer. Things like heart rate monitor and fingerprint scanner and retina display I think are gimicks. I like this forum and and the people here have always given me sound suggestions and honest opinions about their experience with their phones.
General consensus is the Note 3 is a good product. Keep in mind that the Note 4 is coming soon. You may want to wait and get the 4 or jump on a good Note 3 price.
Bohemouth, the Note 3 isn't just a good phone, it's a GREAT phone, and the S-Pen is just frosting on a marvelous device. By all means, do as Jeffrey suggests and check out the Note 3 now, because with the advent of the Note 4 later this year, you'll be able to grab a good deal on the existing Note 3s.
For me the best 10 things are as follows:

1. Screen size.
2. Screen size.
3. Screen size.
10. Screen size.


I do like the speed and battery life.
The Note 3 is basically the SGS4 on crack + screen size + S Pen = Awesomeness x 10!
My contract is up in October. I'm going with the Note(x) but not sure when the Note 4 will release, how much VZW will charge for it, and how much the Note3 will be selling for by then. Decisions, decisions!
The Note 3 does have a lot of great things going for it, but it's greatest asset is that my wife likes it so much that she doesn't ask to play with my phones. : )
The Note 3 does have a lot of great things going for it, but it's greatest asset is that my wife likes it so much that she doesn't ask to play with my phones. : )
Looks like I need to get my wife a Note...
The Note 3 is a great device, but as soon as the LG G3 comes around, you may see a Note 3 go up for sale... :biggrin:
The Note 3 is a great device, but as soon as the LG G3 comes around, you may see a Note 3 go up for sale... :biggrin:

I can't wait for the G3 to hit the market.
I would expect the Note 4 to go on sale in October and no later than November. And I plan to upgrade from the Note 3 the first week of availability.

The screen real estate is the biggest factor for me as I read a great deal and the Note 3 has replaced my Kindle, Nexus 7, and iPad. In fact I gave away the Nexus and iPad.

But I wouldn't depreciate the usefulness of the S pen. Once you get into the habit of jotting notes I think you find that there is no other input method that is faster and simpler.

If I could dictate one improvement I would like in the Note 4 it would be front facing, better quality speakers.