terrible battery life after minor update on 8/21/2015


Aug 15, 2010
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first of all my phone is completly stock not rooted everything was fine after the lollie pop update great battery life everything was running smooth no issues now after this minor update on friday my phones battery life is terrible i cant even get a day out of it i have no clue what the update was for am i going to have to wipe my phone out and start from scratch ? anyone else have this issue with the latest update?
A friend of mine with a Note3 has had the exact same complaint, "latest update has made this phone garbage". I will suggest to you the same advice I gave to him, factory reset.

I'm not sure of what the update actually changed, but even sometimes a minor update can really mess up a phone. I know starting from scratch is a pain, but it really could be the fix. And if it's messing with battery life that much, then there's obviously something that isn't working out right with the update that a FDR would fix, imo.
i think im going to try that i have tried everything else letting the battery fully drain then recharging it hope this fixes it
I did a cache wipe after the post 5.1 update and it fixed whatever was going wrong. That is very easy to do, there is a thread with step by step instructions here.
Yeah, I'd try a cache wipe before you do an fdr, just because you don't have to go through and set everything up again and sometimes it'll fix issues.

I've been having less than stellar battery life on my Note 4 as well, but part of that is that my usage has changed pretty drastically. I've done a cache wipe and haven't seen much improvement. Not sure an FDR would help me either though. Only real way for me to tell would be to stop streaming music so often and stop playing the games that I've started playing recently. That's not gonna happen. Haha

I would venture to guess that this minor update you got is the Stagefright security patch.
I did a cache wipe after the post 5.1 update and it fixed whatever was going wrong. That is very easy to do, there is a thread with step by step instructions here.
I assume that you actually mean 5.0.1