Text message memory full


New Member
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Got the Droid 4 days ago. I keep getting the alert "Text message memory full" . I only had about 10 txt messages. So I deleted all of my txt messages and I am still getting the alert along with "Low on space - Phone storage space is getting low"
Thats very odd and not normal at all....I've had mine since November 21st and never seen a memory low warning....EVER
Between the 4 different senders/threads I have open in my messaging app currently, I've got 500+ texts on the phone (cut off is set at 200 per sender and then set to auto delete oldest). I've never seen a message like this either. Let me fiddle around with my phone a bit to see if I can find anything for ya.

Just for comparison, what are your memory levels at? (menu > settings > SD card and phone storage)
Last edited:
SD Card
Total space - 14.93gb
Available space - 14.92gb

Internal phone storage
SeanM21 have you reset your phone since you have received it? (turn on/off) You may want to do that and see if that helps. I don't have my Droid right by me right now it's upstairs charging, I know there is a limit to how many messages you can set it to hold but not as few as what you have.

If you have reset maybe you should try pulling the battery for at least 30 seconds, long enough to let the capacitors discharge and then see what happens.
Yes I did a battery pull for 30 seconds and still getting the messages.
My max is set to 500 and I have several, several threads at that limit. I actually set it to 2000 and ran with that for a while and never got any issues.

I do think your 16MB left is a little low. I have 27.27MB on my internal phone storage and have had it since early November (a few days after launch).

Granted, 16MB is still 16MB and you shouldn't be receiving warnings, but I do not know what the cutoff is for when they start sending warnings on space. Perhaps it is 15MB and you dip below that at times? What apps have you installed?
I installed bubble, live score, throttle copter, weather widget, bebbled, bar code scanner, iheart radio, minishot basketball, police stream.
Do you have the setting Delete Old Messages/Text Message Limit enabled in the Messaging Settings? That is turned ON by default.

EDIT: Didn't see before that you only have 16MB left on internal storage, that does seem quite low.
You may want to open your web browser and clear the cache, cookies, form data, and location access.
Also maybe some of your apps have cache you can clear like a file mangers thumb nails.
This could clear a lot of the memory and get rid of the warning.
You got the Droid 4 days ago and are already are down to 16MB of internal storage left? Lawdy, what in the world have you downloaded?
Well I cleared browser cache,cookies,form data and location access. As well as deleting apps such as weather widget, police scanner, live scorer and the messages went away. Honestly I dont think I downloaded alot at all. Is there a way of putting the applications on the memory card instead of the internal memory?
16MB on internal phone memory is startlingly low for a phone less than a week old. Mine is over a month old and I have 212MB. You said you cleared your browser cache.. have you cleared the cache for any of your apps? (menu > settings > applications > manage applications > select each one and clear cache)
I have 234mb now...is that better? After I deleted those Apps and cleared cache.
I have the same problem. I have a lot of apps but I've also deleted quite a few. I have 84 apps as of now and have only 31.5mb left. The only one that seems really high is visual voice mail it's 76.48mb by itself, is that normal. I've also had my phone since November. I've cleared all my cache, browser history, text messages. I guess the only thing left is remove more apps.

Any help would be appreciated
