Text message problem


New Member
Feb 5, 2010
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HELP! I'm sorry if there is a thread discussing this problem already, but i did a search and couldn't find anything. My problem is with text messaging, when i get a text that has a picture and text, the picture shows first for a few seconds then the text for a few, and i can't read the text before the message goes back to the beginning, i tried to copy the text to the sd but all it will copy is the pic. I emailed it to my yahoo email to see if i could get the text and that worked but how do i read it from the text message? Sorry this is so long but throwing everything out there. I am using the stock app, haven't changed a thing on it and honestly don't really want to, but if i have to i will.
Hello Tater...welcome!

I would suggest downloading an app called Handcent, it is an alternative messaging app that generally handles MMS better than the stock app
I thought about that but wasn't sure if it was any better, but i still wonder why the stock app does that, kinda dumb really, you think they would make it easier on the stock stuff.
Yeah you would think that... :)

But thats the cool thing about Android....if you don't like what it came with, you can most likely find a better alternative in the Market
Hey thank you natediddy1120, i appreciate the help, also if i use handcent and maybe a different browser like people on hear talk about, will it drain my battery more or less or the same, just wondering?
You're very welcome.....

No it shouldn't drain your battery any different than what it does already lol

If your using Handcent now, make sure in your stock messaging setting, that you UNcheck notifications....or else you will be getting notifications from both apps when you get a text
Strange deal, I tried handcent and it did the same thing as stock app, i'm at a loss, maybe it's just the way the message comes in.
While using hansent my predictive word box below the subject box is gone. It is also missing from the stock text

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