Text message "Sent Tone"


New Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Does anybody know how to get a sent tone for when your message is sent it makes a tone.. my friend has an iphone and im trying to copy him to show him droid does.. and on an iphone when a message is sent.. you hear swoosh sound.. im trying to figure out if anyone knows how to set this up.. or if there is an app to set this up.. thanks
Handcent text app has that option.

Support Our Troops!! written in some form from a wifi monolith.
nope thanx tho lol. this is becoming a misson for me to find this sound lol
Go on the market and search iPhone ringtones app . Don't know if it has the one you seek but it's got several iPhone built in ringtones

Support Our Troops!! written in some form from a wifi monolith.
Handcent is the BEST ap for SMS/MSM messages. LOADS of different options and yes you can have a message sent sound if needed (although im not sure why ANYONE would need a sound for that since it makes a sound if it doesnt send, to each his own i suppose haha) :)
You can turn message failed alert off . Some prefer an audible confirmation for sent vs visual.
It's like the little "received" check mark on dumb phones for sent texts, though I never bothered checking, some folks live by the status of their texts. I just figure if they got it and don't respond, oh well. If they didn't get it , oh well. Nothing too important should be left to just an email, fax, or text without follow up anyway.

Support Our Troops!! written in some form from a wifi monolith.
swoosh sound

care to share how to find it in Handcent?
swoosh sound

chomp sms has that sound...i have a droid razr m
i couldnt find it on Handcent either