The crippling (TMO, USA) begins


Active Member
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Yesterday T-Mo pushed an update to my Note 7 that clearly states it will limit the battery to 60% charge. I've been able to delay it thus far, but I suspect it will eventually force itself onto my phone.

For the moment, I can live with this. I rarely use more than 30% of the battery in any given day.

Still, it's becoming very clear that I need to understand my options and exercise one of them before too long. I'm considering a couple of options with the goal being getting into the Note 8, whenever it becomes available, preferably as a pre-order, with as little expense as possible.

1) Turn in my Note 7. Get the wife an iPhone 7+ (she has been wanting one). Use her Note 3 until the Note 8 or equivalent goes to pre-order. I had a Note 3 before this Note 7 and I can tolerate it. I think this requires waiting until a reasonable iPhone 7+ is available in-store, so it could be the end of November before I can do this.

2) Trade my Note 7 for an S7 Edge. Samsung offers an extra $100 credit when I do this and I use T-Mo's protection plan so in theory I should be pretty close to owing $0 if I want to trade in by the time the Note 8 becomes available. I still get the wife the iPhone 7+ when it becomes available. This is still a new "flagship" phone, with the only drawback being the lack of stylus and note-taking, which I use frequently.

I welcome your thoughts on my dilemma...
Well since you are obviously not sold on what is out there and you rather wait on the 8 why not make the wife happy. Get her the 7+ with a nice case and boom Merry Christmas. Then next year hopefully you can have a Merry Christmas with the 8.
I've got an update waiting as well, not doing it. I just want a v20, but best buy doesn't have any for Verizon. So I'm stuck.
I've got an update waiting as well, not doing it. I just want a v20, but best buy doesn't have any for Verizon. So I'm stuck.

You're on Verizon and got the update?

Samsung Note 7.5
Yeah, let us know @ngt if you're on Verizon and received the update notice.

S5 tap'n
Same here.... SO is downloading app now to block it.
...and the dance continues....

S5 tap'n
I am going to let it go, the losers have won... Looks like a sign of crap to come... Be wise...

Sent from my New Note 7
I...meant to do it. Getting started as we speak. As CR6 said, I got the VZW update notice earlier today.

~notarized 7 tap'n
I'm not positive you can block it afterwards. Keep us updated let me know if you hit any snags.

Samsung Note 7.5
Box came today along with the 60% downdate...
Note is wiped, ready to box up...

Sent by my new S7-Edge

Edit: Boxed and going out tomorrow.
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