The Hump, Opinions?


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2009
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I don't make new threads often, but I thought I'd mention my thoughts on one thing I noticed with the FCC document release today.

If you haven't seen the FCC documents yet, the Bionic's inner workings have been revealed and we've seen that the 4G LTE radio is actually in the chin of the device.

Who knew that it would serve a purpose and such an integral one at that.

So since the supposed ginormous 4G LTE radio fit inside the tiny chin, the only reason for the hump is the camera?

Now we know this camera isn't anything new, as it's been used in Moto's last 2-3 devices. We also know that it's not particularly good, although it can be improved dramatically by using an aftermarket camera app, hinting at a software problem that could be fixed in future updates.

But does anyone feel like, since it was said they were delaying to improve the Bionic, that this is one of those areas they could have improved upon to give the Bionic an overall better appearance?

Now I know that there are people who like the hump. They appreciate the finger support during phone calls and what not.

But overall I feel if most phone manufacturers(including Motorola as seen with the D1) can make a phone flat and also include a quality camera, why not take advantage of the extended design period and squeeze out as many improvements as possible.

Granted we don't know how much of a design change this would have been, or how costly it would have been to rework the entire camera, but then again we are looking at a completely different device from what was originally unveiled in January.

Personally I feel this was one small change that was overlooked during the redesign, which could have given the device a much more sleek appearance, coupled with a potential for a higher quality camera.

:blackdroid:<FlameShield Activated
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It looks like when you put the back charging plate on it will be flat. I do think I would like a smooth back so if that's the case then I will get the inductive charger. Maybe from the looks of it the final product will come with it.
It looks like when you put the back charging plate on it will be flat. I do think I would like a smooth back so if that's the case then I will get the inductive charger. Maybe from the looks of it the final product will come with it.

Not only will that flat back be used for the inductive charging plate cover, but i can guarantee an extended battery cover (when released) will also utilize a flat, thicker rear cover

sent from my Droid Charge
Yeah the inductive back cover is looking promising in fixing this problem. Hopefully it comes with the device. Although somehow I'm betting it's 39.99 =P. Which honestly, I don't even mind buying it if it makes the back completely flat, I'm actually a lot more excited knowing I can correct this 'blemish'.
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It can have two humps and spit water, just release it already :p
They need to hire the Peas for their ad campaign: [video=youtube;iEe_eraFWWs]]‪Black Eyed Peas - My Humps‬&rlm; - YouTube[/video]

Or, go old school with Digitial Underground:
