The "New" New Phone Rumor Mill


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Staff member
Oct 13, 2010
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About this thread: I wanted to make a single post with what (we think) we know about the upcoming top tier phones and links to sources for any pictures or updates. I will added/update info as I find it and/or it is discussed here. The primary reason I felt this is necessary is because all this info is scattered all over the place in forums and sub-forums across While I feel that this make it necessary to have all of this info in one place, it also makes it very hard to collect and consolidate the info to begin with. This is where YOU come in!! If you could be oh-so-kind, please take a second to look through the phones listed and make a quick post with ANYTHING you feel should be included for any of the phones. I would like this to be a place where someone can come and a quick rundown on all of these phone we are continually speculating about and deciding which one is worthy our precious upgrade, a 2-year contract and, most importantly, our money.

Do you think the phones being released later will be worth the wait?

Which do you think will be most revolutionary to the World of Android? Which the biggest flop?

So I don't have to put "Possibly...", "Maybe...", "Rumored to..." before every single statement:
All statements are to be considered unconfirmed unless tagged with [Confirmed] and linked to a source.
Confirmations can only come directly from a carriers or manufacturers so there is no debate on one thing being "more official" than another.

Rumors without enough info/merit to warrant their own post,,,
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Placeholder for the next big phone.
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Placeholder for the next big phone.
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Placeholder for the next big phone.
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Placeholder for the next big phone.
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Placeholder for the next big phone.
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Haha, thanks (on both)!

To anyone else wondering I am preemptively thanking jroc for the congrats he is about to give me in a little bit....
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lol...I deleted my post when I saw you wanted to have 6 spots it looks like you're a crazy person talking to yourself...LOL!!

So folks wont think you're crazy...I originally said nice recovery...and congrats on the mod title..
That's funny. I thought trust was thanking him/herself (sorry not sure which and I always pick the wrong one).

And I second that Congrats on becoming a Mod!
Oops... When I 1st wrote that, I was thinking that I would have 6 phones to talk about, but it ended up only being 5 phones and I forgot to create the 6th placeholder; but now I have the 6th anyway in case another top tier phone get's leaked before one of the current ones drop.

And thank you JSM! I'm a dude, btw.
No problem! And I hope I didn't cause any offense, I was just playing it cautious lol.
Yea this this looks promising in the next couple weeks then if it survives til the holidays it should be huge. Anyway I'm tuned in haha

Sent from my Liberated D2
Why because of the rumors? Or him talking to himself? ;)