The "Official" Waiting for an Update Thread


Silver Member
Mar 1, 2011
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THREAD FORMERLY KNOWN AS - Android 4.0.5 coming early next month

According to BMX,VZW is beta testing 4.0.5.Some of the fixes will be;audio reboot issues,batt,data falling a sleep,and will have new radios.Im looking forward to this update.DancingNexus

MOD EDIT: We have decided to make this an "official" update thread to avoid having multiple threads popping up for the same topic. Any threads started in regards to the 4.0.5 update (or others) will be closed/deleted and discussions will be routed to here.

Thanks everyone and please let's keep it civil in here.

DF Staff.
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I wish they would release the source so that way CM9 can implement all these new bug fixes into their source.
Sounds promising. For sure, the "audio reboot issues" are a near deal breaker for myself (and I'm sure many others). I'm also hoping that "data falling asleep" means when I lose 3G service (no 4G around here yet) for 5 to 6 hours on end...
I wish they would release the source so that way CM9 can implement all these new bug fixes into their source.

If it is indeed "Android 4.0.5" I'm assuming that it came from Goog and that the source will be released. If that isn't the case, then that's stupid as all hell.
Never heard of BMX. I'll believe it when I see it.
According to BMX,VZW is beta testing 4.0.5.Some of the fixes will be;audio reboot issues,batt,data falling a sleep,and will have new radios.Im looking forward to this update.DancingNexus

BMX? I think we need a source on above quote. I really don't want to be trolled on this.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
it was reported on droid-life also source from Panda who ever the heck he is. seriously, no updates for a "nexus"? gonna stop ranting for me.:icon_eek:
Always hard to confirm this type of thing. But, if you search for "Android 4.0.5" in Google News, there are plenty of sources to choose from.

Who knows?
Would be awesome!
Never heard of BMX. I'll believe it when I see it.

BMX (@black_man_x on Twitter), aka Mobile Panda, has been a well-known and reliable source for information on Verizon phones for years. That's why several Android and news sites are reporting the information based off his Tweet. If he says something, it's pretty much given that it's true. Of course, like anything else, things do change, especially when it comes to technology and Verizon's notoriously lengthy testing period for updates. So the update could always be delayed. But BMX's information is almost always spot-on.

BMX? I think we need a source on above quote. I really don't want to be trolled on this.

Droid-Life story on 4.0.5

Tweet from BMX about 4.0.5
BMX is generally pretty credible. He wouldn't have tweeted this if it wasn't true.

Unfortunately, I think this is a Verizon build only - I don't think we'll see any source from Google.
BMX (@black_man_x on Twitter), aka Mobile Panda, has been a well-known and reliable source for information on Verizon phones for years. That's why several Android and news sites are reporting the information based off his Tweet. If he says something, it's pretty much given that it's true. Of course, like anything else, things do change, especially when it comes to technology and Verizon's notoriously lengthy testing period for updates. So the update could always be delayed. But BMX's information is almost always spot-on.

Droid-Life story on 4.0.5

Tweet from BMX about 4.0.5

Well, I'm glad the BMX part was cleared up. I mean from bicycles to Android phones is quite a leap.

I have a feeling this thread was created to make those of us who still on Gingerbread feel worst. (Just kidding)