[THEME] Executive Series

Very classy, I like it alot. More wood grain though =)
Carlz28 most professional looking theme you've kicked out.....AWESOME job.

Keep up the stellar work!
A masterpiece Carl. I want this theme.

I'm dl'ing sapphire again in preparation for this theme. Don't make us wait too long.
this theme looks great! although the battery seems out of place. if that is replaced this theme would be awesome on top of 1.1.0!
this theme looks great! although the battery seems out of place. if that is replaced this theme would be awesome on top of 1.1.0!

yeah i can see that...Maybe if it were black instead of green?
Those battery icons were just a quick throw in since I made the theme from scratch. I found some online to use (I think they were actually part of another theme somewhere, can't remember where though).
Anyway, they will definitely be changed out for the release.

As far as more wood images, I was hesitant to add too much. But seeing I only did the tab in the pull down tray, I definitely like the idea of making the power control widget a nice wood-grain background.

Definitely still a work-in-progress, so look for some new screenshots in the next day or two ;)
I'd say black battery over wood... what executive uses wood batteries? :p
This theme is sex. Can't wait for the final.

how do you not have dropbox installed though?
It's gonna get sexier...how about this power control widget ;)

that is sexy! is it proper in this forum to say that there's a lot of wood going around with this look...??
that is sexy! is it proper in this forum to say that there's a lot of wood going around with this look...??
lmao...wood.....guess what kind of wood....

Btw, ETA is Friday. Things are coming along nicely
i hadn't even thought of that - hysterical!! :rofl3:

cvpcs tweeted that Sapphire 1.1.0 should drop tomorrow; and this on Friday?? - it's gonna be a flash-filled weekend!!
Wonder what you all think about making the wood grain in the top bar as well...
I think this may be pushing it to the limit...but...
If only one person likes it, maybe I can make a custom one...but I think this would top off the wood images...clearly all the icons can still be seen very well. Plus it would match the pulldown tab...and then just keep the metal areas inside the pulldown notification areas.


Here's a pic:

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fwiw (and probably not much), i think i prefer the black bar. or, maybe change the color of the notifications/icons in the bar from white to black or metallic (kind of like the signal bars, or in the power strip)...??