[THEME] RipperRed for MavROM 2.0


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Mar 4, 2010
Reaction score
Get your Red fix for MavROM 2.0 (THIS IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH 2.5 (2.5 HAS the 2.5 RipperRed THEME INCLUDED IN THE THEME MANAGER)

What this themes:

and probably other stuff ;-)


Download RipperRed here


Well my issue is that I have installed Mavrom 4.5 on my Motorola Milestone/Droid 3 XT861. I have the radio flashed to the XT883 version with the build.prop. There seems to be issues with the toolbox that I can't figure out. For example. I am trying to install the theme RipperRed and it does nothing. It shows "installing null" then reboots. Starts back up and nothing. No changes. I read somewhere to go online and download the zip file online and manually install through bootstrap. I am not really familiar with how to do that but I can figure it out. If I only had the freaking red ripper theme zip file. I have googled like crazy and have found only one place where the zip resides and that's here with you.

Problem is the link sends me to minus .com and no matter what I click the page just refreshes. I assumed I needed to sign up for an account with minus but I don't want to do that. I'm not into tracking and location software for many reasons. And it seems I could not set up an account on my pc with minus because the same deal upon clicking the register link. Refresh, telling me to go to google store on my phone and install it. Well I love mavrom but these issues are killing me. Would you have the ripperred theme to send me and/or any info on how to install? Or how I can fix the mavrom toolbox. There are other issues with the mavrom 4.5 toolbox as well but I'll just deal with this right now. It would be nice if you had a mirror up or something. Thanks in advance!!!