[Theme] -TRON HeXen rom

I talked to the original themer and he told me the text he change and i just did the same changes he made.

I can look into it, but most likely it will change all the text except in the status bar.
So you willing to give all that up?

Also what apps have the lighter color?

One specific example is the Market. But I also had trouble with some of the dialog boxes in Touchdown Pro (MS Exchange sync app).

Most apps set their own text colors, so it's not a widespread issue.

You can change the market background to black via an xml edit in the androidmanifest.xml of the vending apk dont know if that would be something that works better for you or not. Ill have to pinpoint what exactly to change if you like that idea. And i think you can change only the popup window light background to a different text color so it shows up better. Again ill have to look at that to see where.. i do know its in /values/styles.xml

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So.. can anyone tell my why the TRON Lancher Pro doc and icons didn't update along with the rest of the theme? My regular dock and icons are still there..

Did you long press your dock icon and select change icon then select launcher pro icons? This should pop up the dialog window of launcher pro icons that are available.

You might just need to manually set them this way.
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*slapping forehead*
Aha! Did not realize I needed to physically change the dock/icons.. thought they'd transfer over with new theme...
Thank you!
if you wipe, they should have. But otherwise by hand.
Check the op, added somemore of jays extra stuff! including LP icons

Also added a pink version!
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Didn't think of that.

Adding some LP pink Tron icons
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Well here is a pink tron for the ladies!

Pink Tron Theme

Pink Tron Wallpaper - included in the theme but if you have a custom one it might be easier to add this

love it. its my wife's phone haha lol. the lp icons are the stock one. pretty sure the glowing ones are available i will have to double check

Thanks for the screen shots!

Didnt think of the LP icons-

added some to the post.

screen shots are easy lol. thanks for the theme she really does love it. only took me 3 months to have her let me root and rom it lol. did mine within 2 days