Themes for CCRoms 2.0

Hi gang,

I've started my attempts at icons, was doing some this morning in fireworks, but fond a nice GPS image to use, and incorporated for an icon.

I'm kinda brain dead since last nights party, but had been doing green ovals for an hour or so but can't seem to get the look i want. so I'm tossing it up to those who's graphic skills are better than mine.

Since the Satellite is angled, I was thinking instead of curved lines, a single point, followed by one ring then a larger ring would suffice for the "on" status.

I've actually achieved one with the largest ring equal to the size of the dish, and in line spatially, I just couldn't seem to get the smaller ring and single point to line up, or look good. I could go with just two rings if space works out. So while I'm sure is it off to some degree, I'm attaching it so you can see what I'm trying to achieve.

Mainly just wanted to see what people thought of the icon in general, and if someone tackles the rings (color#6DC801), I'd be stunned :)

Looks good to me :)
will there be an avalon theme (the white theme)? Is that one still around? I always thought that one looked really cool.
Here's what I've done to my sapphire so far.

Used tanks black bar mod and desktop visualizer for the icons.
I'm not too happy with the background because of it kind of interferes with the white icons.

suggestions for improvement?
I can give a suggestion.... have the lady turn around :) JK.... or am I ? :)
Tronish Theme ported from RoLa's CM theme all credit goes to him

WARNING: I am a complete noob with anything theming and this is the first attempt ever at far so good on my phone but you will have to consider this as "beta" for the time being


screens are found here

Tron Theme for CM 6.1.0 Stable - CyanogenMod Forum

And here's mine :D
the browser no work on this theme...
Anyone know if this Galaxy S theme will be coming to 2.0?



Complete with Galaxy S blue, red, orange, yellow, green, pink, purple, and white (gray-scale)

This style has been my favorite for several months now, hope others may enjoy it now. :D

thanks for making this into a theme. can i make a request? how hard would it be to make the power bar buttons blue instead of white for the galaxy blue theme?

Where is the original theme so we can flash back. Normally CCROMS lists it with their other themes on the official page. I wouldn't want to nandroid just for a theme correction.

This should reset what most themes would change

it does NOT contain scripts, kernals, or anything of that sort, just replaces back to stock:
-system apps
-boot animation

You may need to go into gem settings and set status bar font colors back to black & white where needed if you changed them.