Thinking of picking up a GN


Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Western NY
So I've decided to save up and pick up a GN. I've played with them at the VZW store and can say I'm really impressed. Since I'm not due for an upgrade I have to pay the full price which will push back my purchase for a month or so. My question is how do you like it? What are the pros and cons of this device. I can only get so much experience with this device at the store and I wanna hear what actual consumers have to say.

Coming from a DX to a GN was like stepping out of the stone age. I loved my DX, but I love the GN more. Battery life is kinda disappointing but maybe its because I never put this thing down! The thought of el Goog supporting this phone for a long time is outstanding. The GN is silky smooth.

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I love my GNex, but to be honest if I didn't care about custom roms and other mods, I would have bought the RAZR. I liked the RAZR's build quality over the GNex, but what's hardware without software?

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I love my GNex, but to be honest if I didn't care about custom roms and other mods, I would have bought the RAZR. I liked the RAZR's build quality over the GNex, but what's hardware without software?

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My guess, I'd say both phones would be the same in drop tests.
Love it. I'm rooted and ROMed, but the ROM is based off of the stock ROM, so I'm basically stock...

I got it on launch day and it still puts a grin on my face:)
Love it. I'm rooted and ROMed, but the ROM is based off of the stock ROM, so I'm basically stock...

I got it on launch day and it still puts a grin on my face:)


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I started with the OG Droid and got the GNex the day it came out. I waited 3 weeks before I unlocked and rooted. I haven't regretted it. My OG is an antique compared to my Nexus. I bought an extended battery and get a days 14-16 hours of power from the phone with regular usage. I'm using the Droid Th3ory ROM which is no longer supported. I'm not changing until a more truly stable ROM becomes available. Unless you're J.P. Got-rocks, I would wait until your contract is done before buying a new phone. The phone companies already rape you with fees, fees, and more fees. Paying $600-$800 for a phone is just not worth it. Consider this: With my current plan, over a 2 year period, I will pay Verizon $3660. That includes the cost of the phone. That's a high price to pay for convenience and I'm not even adding in the additional $1400 it costs with my wife's phone (Droid 3).
i love it most time and like it the remainder. the screen,feel and it perform great with everything i do. a few annoying thing for ME is the slow portrait to landscape mode (there is a fix with rooting and rom but im not into that atm..was with OG droid), stock keyboard type in landscape also was lagging as you type (other suggested to turn off auto correct but since i type work/professional emails, sms etc which demands correct spelling and grammar i cant turn it off. on here (forums) i just let the sentences run and throw grammar out the window. lol but i did just bought slideit keyboard, so the lag issue been fixed. and it was on sale too. all in all im happy with it. my wife has the rezound and she loves it too. i also like it also but gnex is more my style. hopes that help. :biggrin:
just picked up mines far I'm loving it..and my hands are itching to root this thing already..but I "might" just wait till the trial period..

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And for the record, I've found the camera to be FANTASTIC. Sure, not as good as my DSLR, but pretty dang good for a phone. WAY better than my OG/DX/Bionic (motorola cameras are crap imo). Here's a shot at a small club, pretty much in the dark. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

View attachment 46137

Band is Firehouse if you're wondering. (I know, I'd never heard of them either, but apparently had a few top 10 hits in the 90's).
And for the record, I've found the camera to be FANTASTIC. Sure, not as good as my DSLR, but pretty dang good for a phone. WAY better than my OG/DX/Bionic (motorola cameras are crap imo). Here's a shot at a small club, pretty much in the dark. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

View attachment 46137

Band is Firehouse if you're wondering. (I know, I'd never heard of them either, but apparently had a few top 10 hits in the 90's).

Idk why people complain about the camera..cuz this Nexus takes pretty good pics to me..

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