{This is Project GimpSource}

...funny how we're all getting ready...don't forget a fresh backup of tibu while you're at it. Always nice not to have to spend time updating a bunch of stuff.

I'm really liking adw ex for setting up too. Once you have your apps installed, restore adw and all you have left is widgets. Also saves time.
...while we're on the subject of backing up and setting up...I do an idea that could make things so much easier.
I purchased tibu some time ago (love the restore you get with paid)...BUT...one thing I would REALLY like is to have that program on my phone already (with the key), so I can bypass the sign in screen at first boot, restore my apps...then finish it off. It would make things so much more streamlined rather than waiting for market all the time.
Sorry, but I flash a lot of roms...always looking for a shortcut...
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so i just made the ginger bread theme for it. i am still having market issues with some apps not reinstalling, like twitter, weather bug elite, etc.

thats actually the only problems i think im still having, corp email works as far as i know, i dont use it lol. one of my testers who uses that kinda stuff is away right now.

Also got stuck watching blendtech 2000 videos. Will it blend? I love blening things lol

edit : oops i made a ginger bread boot loop lol
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Ooooooh B-Bwoy. I'm getting pretty excited. I don't think I've ever gotten excited so quickly about a ROM. You and metickone have a way with ROMs, though, and I literally found this thread 5 minutes ago. Looks like I won't be going to my girlfriend's house that soon after all.
I. If I could shower I's on my own, I would.

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I am, I am

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talk about hype...all these views and nobody has broken anything yet...:icon_eek: