{This is Project GimpSource}

I............ Are you guys messing with us or did ya run I to problems.

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Wake the gimp up!

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No the rom is running nicely. We just had to perfect it before releasing it. It's very nice. I'm excited and you all should be too. Very stable and snappy with some extras that I could not implement without source. Davros did a fantastic job!
I'm ready.

Back up LauncherPro home screen settings, Check
Back up with TiBu, Check
Back up with MyBackupPro, Check
Nandroid with CW Recovery, Check

Flashing new GimpSource ROM, __________
i gotta do some final things then it ill go out prolly tomorrow mid day..... be ready watch twitter. its about to blow up in here!
Been waiting for this! And on my day off, even better!

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