Trouble with Lookout Mobile Security


New Member
Mar 19, 2010
Reaction score
I have had Lookout Mobile Security on my phone pretty much since day one. My Motorola Droid is rooted. I recently updated my ROM to Bugless Beast V1.0 (the freakin Bomb by the way) and somewhere along the line it uninstalled my Lookout. When I tried to reinstall it from the Market it downloads it and tries to install but comes back with an error message saying something about not enough memory. I have installed several apps after this so I know it has memory. Anyone have any ideas or alternative to Lookout Mobile?
Weird. Ping the developer on this one and see what they have to say. I'm betting it's something corrupt in your /data folder.

Before you do that, clear your cache, just in case.
You probably need to uninstall it first, then download it again from the market. If "Lookout" isn't in your settings-applications-manage applications, look for something like com.lookout. And uninstall that. Then go back to the market and you should be good to go.

On a side note, I recently uninstalled Lookout and replaced it with Mobile Defense. I'm still learning it, but so far it's looking good.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
When we've seen this before it has been due to Lookout not being deleted completely from the device prior to re-installing. The advice from gszeman about removing Lookout (through manage applications) is probably on the right track. If you want to pursue it more in depth, feel free to email me at support at mylookout dot com. Brian
Thank you guess for your help!

Thank you all for your help. You were exactly right. I needed to delete the com.lookout file then re-install Lookout. It is back on the Droid and I feel protected once again. Thanks again for the help you all provided.